ThinkAlexandria / BoringAuth

Straightforward password, passphrase, TOTP, and HOTP user authentication
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[Feature] Use ring crypto crate, add generic parsing of PHC format hash fingerprints #1

Closed YetAnotherMinion closed 7 years ago

YetAnotherMinion commented 7 years ago

Why Use Ring

The ring crate is under active development while development of rust-crypto has stalled. Using a crate that is being actively improved is important especially important for crypto because the validity of any crypto algorithm is eliminated over time by adversaries. In the short term ring provides a constant time pbkdf2 verify function. Additionally ring can be statically linked, which is important for my application.

Why move to PHC format

The library is already using PHC format instead of modular crypt format for producing and deriving portable fingerprints. The wikipedia page referenced for modular crypt format is actually about the updated PHC format, and that format is the one that the code on master is parsing and generating. I factored out the code that parses the PHC format fingerprints from the derivation and validity logic. I could not find any crates on that currently handle this format generically. rust-argon2 uses this format to create and read fingerprints internally, but it only exposes the completed String from the public API. I think parsing the format is a valuable distinct feature because it allows writing programs that work with hashed fingerprints outside of the realm of just accepting a password string and hashing it. For example, you could write short script to migrate a legacy database that did not use PHC format fingerprints to using PHC formated fingerprints without having to worry about serialization.

I have replaced the PasswordDerivationFunctionBuilder workflow with a single type that represents the PHC formatted string as a Rust struct and a higher order function.