I apologize if this is not up to date with the anniversary update, however ClassicItems mentions compatibility stuff for it and both mods were updated post anniversary, and i am assuming that they are up to date. I am currently attempting to run Classic Items by itself, so the only mods i am running when the issue occurs are bepinexpack r2api, HookGenPatcher, and TILER2, sometimes classic items, I am using the thunderstore mod manager.
On any run where i have TILER2 active, one of two issues occurs, the most common of which is that no objects generate. Enemies spawn, and the newt thing spawns, but no shrines, no chests, and no teleporter. Occasionally, i'll get a run where these items do generate, however when i open a chest it plays the chest opening animation, but no item drops
I have tried this with multiple characters, after restarting the game multiple times, and with or without classic items, it happens in every run for me. The log is below, please let me know if there is something that can be done. i did see someone else had this issue and had a bunch of other mods, but i'm having this issue and i only have the prerequisiste ones
[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Risk of Rain 2
[Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2018.4.16.15133130
[Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020
[Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: False
[Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
[Message: BepInEx] Preloader started
[Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.HookGenPatcher]
[Info : BepInEx] 2 patcher plugins loaded
[Info : Console] [MonoMod]
[Info : Console] Reading input file into module.
[Info :HookGenPatcher] Starting HookGenerator
[Info :HookGenPatcher] Done.
[Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
[Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started
[Debug : BepInEx] Skipping loading C:\Users\Austin\AppData\Roaming\Thunderstore Mod Manager\DataFolder\RiskOfRain2\profiles\Mods\BepInEx\plugins\tristanmcpherson-R2API\R2API._R2API.dll because it's not a valid .NET assembly. Full error: Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid.
[Info : BepInEx] 2 plugins to load
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [R2API 3.0.13]
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect
[Debug : R2API] DifficultyAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] DirectorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] DotAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] EffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] EliteAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] InteractablesAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] ItemDropAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] LoadoutAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] LobbyConfigAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] OrbAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] ProjectileAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] SceneAssetAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] SurvivorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Debug : R2API] UnlockableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck
[Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ArtifactAPI
[Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: BuffAPI
[Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ItemAPI
[Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: LanguageAPI
[Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: PrefabAPI
[Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ResourcesAPI
[Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: CommandHelper
[Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ILLine
[Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: NetworkingAPI
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ItemDisplayRuleSet.Init
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Language.GetLocalizedStringByToken
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Language.TokenIsRegistered
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Console.InitConVars
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames
[Debug : R2API] ArtifactAPI has no static method registered for Load
[Debug : R2API] BuffAPI has no static method registered for Load
[Debug : R2API] ItemAPI has no static method registered for Load
[Debug : R2API] LanguageAPI has no static method registered for Load
[Debug : R2API] PrefabAPI has no static method registered for Load
[Debug : R2API] ResourcesAPI has no static method registered for Load
[Debug : R2API] CommandHelper has no static method registered for Load
[Debug : R2API] ILLine has no static method registered for Load
[Debug : R2API] NetworkingAPI has no static method registered for Load
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b57_1
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b__57_1
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Content.LoadStaticContentAsync
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [TILER2 4.0.2]
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.GetItemCount
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.IsAffordable
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.PayCost
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.PayOne
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.HasAtLeastXTotalItemsOfTier
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.GetTotalItemCountOfTier
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ItemStealController+StolenInventoryInfo.StealItem
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RunReport.Generate
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ScrapperController.BeginScrapping
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCleanseBehavior.CleanseInventoryServer
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCleanseBehavior.InventoryIsCleansable
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Util.GetItemCountForTeam
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.SetOptionsFromInteractor
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.SetOptionsFromInteractor
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.UpdateDisplay
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.OnInventoryChanged
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+<>c.gPayCostItems|5_1
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+<>c.g__PayCostItems|5_1
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Util.IsPrefab
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application.Update
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Networking.GameNetworkManager.Disconnect
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PickupCatalog.Init
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.BuildPickupEntries
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Run.BuildDropTable
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Networking.GameNetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayerInternal
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.DirectorCore.TrySpawnObject
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DirectorCore.TrySpawnObject
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.OccupyNearbyNodes.OnSceneDirectorPrePopulateSceneServer
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Unity: WindowsPlayer
[Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Os: Windows
[Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Arch: x64
[Info : Console] Searching for compatible XInput library...
[Info : Console] Found Xinput1_4.dll.
[Info : Unity Log] Initializing Mod System...
[Info : Unity Log] Mod System initialized.
[Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully.
[Info : Unity Log] Setting current language to "en"
[Info : Unity Log] Launch Parameters:
arg[0]="D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2.exe"
arg[4]="C:/Users/Austin/AppData/Roaming/Thunderstore Mod Manager/DataFolder/RiskOfRain2/profiles/Mods/BepInEx/core/BepInEx.Preloader.dll"
[Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/config.cfg: Could not find file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\config.cfg"
[Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/autoexec.cfg: Could not find file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\autoexec.cfg"
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Run.BuildDropTable
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Run.BuildDropTable
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Artifacts.MonsterTeamGainsItemsArtifactManager.GenerateAvailableItemsSet
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Artifacts.MonsterTeamGainsItemsArtifactManager.GenerateAvailableItemsSet
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BossGroup.DropRewards
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BossGroup.DropRewards
[Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() start
[Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to loadingbasic
[Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
[Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene loadingbasic loadSceneMode=2
[Info : R2API] [NetworkCompatibility] Adding to the networkModList :
[Info : R2API] com.bepis.r2api;3.0.13
[Info : R2API] com.ThinkInvisible.TILER2;4.0.2
[Info : Unity Log] Setting current language to "en"
[Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() end
[Info : Unity Log] Game content load completed in 5871ms.
[Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.ReturnToBase (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null.
[Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.TravelToEnd (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null.
[Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.WaitAtTop (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null.
[Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.Language] Setting current language to "en"
[Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/50a9de5e-3c65-4901-a79c-aacf8a70e8ef.xml
[Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=122083
[Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/6ef7c232-efab-4d31-ac16-0fedd161caae.xml
[Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=142270
[Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/c7b9946b-423e-49c2-bfb6-ae9f74ee6649.xml
[Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=118389
[Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/eb089a7d-88d1-42c3-bd91-4ecaa3013698.xml
[Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=139440
[Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene loadingbasic
[Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to splash
[Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
[Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene splash loadSceneMode=Single
[Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to intro
[Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene splash
[Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to intro
[Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
[Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene intro loadSceneMode=Single
[Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to title
[Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene intro
[Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to title
[Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
[Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single
[Info : Unity Log] GameNetworkManager.desiredHost={ hostType=Self listen=False maxPlayers=4 }
[Info : R2API] Server Handlers registered
[Info : R2API] Client Handlers registered
[Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene title
[Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to lobby
[Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes...
[Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene lobby loadSceneMode=Single
[Info : Unity Log] gridColumns=8,totalElements=11,gridRows=2,maxEntryCount=16
[Info : Unity Log] Adding local player controller 0 on connection hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0
[Info : Unity Log] GameNetworkManager.AddPlayerInternal(conn=hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0, playerControllerId=0, extraMessageReader=NetBuf sz:251 pos:251
[Info : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=lobby currentSceneName=lobby
[Error : Unity Log] A connection has already been set as ready. There can only be one.
[Info : Unity Log] Player 0 already added, aborting.
[Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/server_pregame.cfg: Could not find file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\server_pregame.cfg"
[Info : Unity Log] Attempting to generate PreGameVoteController for Austinvonmonkeybutt
[Info : Unity Log] PreGameRuleVoteController.ClientTransmitVotesToServer()
[Info : Unity Log] Received vote from Austinvonmonkeybutt
[Info : Unity Log] Accepting vote from Austinvonmonkeybutt
[Info : Unity Log]
I apologize if this is not up to date with the anniversary update, however ClassicItems mentions compatibility stuff for it and both mods were updated post anniversary, and i am assuming that they are up to date. I am currently attempting to run Classic Items by itself, so the only mods i am running when the issue occurs are bepinexpack r2api, HookGenPatcher, and TILER2, sometimes classic items, I am using the thunderstore mod manager.
On any run where i have TILER2 active, one of two issues occurs, the most common of which is that no objects generate. Enemies spawn, and the newt thing spawns, but no shrines, no chests, and no teleporter. Occasionally, i'll get a run where these items do generate, however when i open a chest it plays the chest opening animation, but no item drops
I have tried this with multiple characters, after restarting the game multiple times, and with or without classic items, it happens in every run for me. The log is below, please let me know if there is something that can be done. i did see someone else had this issue and had a bunch of other mods, but i'm having this issue and i only have the prerequisiste ones
[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Risk of Rain 2 [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2018.4.16.15133130 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: False [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MonoMod.HookGenPatcher] [Info : BepInEx] 2 patcher plugins loaded [Info : Console] [MonoMod] [Info : Console] Reading input file into module. [Info :HookGenPatcher] Starting HookGenerator [Info :HookGenPatcher] Done. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Debug : BepInEx] Skipping loading C:\Users\Austin\AppData\Roaming\Thunderstore Mod Manager\DataFolder\RiskOfRain2\profiles\Mods\BepInEx\plugins\tristanmcpherson-R2API\R2API._R2API.dll because it's not a valid .NET assembly. Full error: Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid. [Info : BepInEx] 2 plugins to load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [R2API 3.0.13] [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.UnitySystemConsoleRedirector.Redirect [Debug : R2API] DifficultyAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DirectorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] DotAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] EffectAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] EliteAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] InteractablesAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ItemDropAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LoadoutAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] LobbyConfigAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] OrbAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] ProjectileAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] SceneAssetAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] SurvivorAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Debug : R2API] UnlockableAPI has no static method registered for LoadCheck [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ArtifactAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: BuffAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ItemAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: LanguageAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: PrefabAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ResourcesAPI [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: CommandHelper [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: ILLine [Info : R2API] Enabling R2API Submodule: NetworkingAPI [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterModel.UpdateMaterials [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.ItemDisplayRuleSet.Init [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Language.GetLocalizedStringByToken [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Language.TokenIsRegistered [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Console.InitConVars [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.AddFrames [Debug : R2API] ArtifactAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] BuffAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ItemAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] LanguageAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] PrefabAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ResourcesAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] CommandHelper has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] ILLine has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] NetworkingAPI has no static method registered for Load [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.DisableIfGameModded.OnEnable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.SteamworksLobbyDataGenerator.RebuildLobbyData [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b57_1
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.RoR2Application+<>c.b__57_1
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Content.LoadStaticContentAsync
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [TILER2 4.0.2]
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Run.Start
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.GetItemCount
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.IsAffordable
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.PayCost
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+LunarItemOrEquipmentCostTypeHelper.PayOne
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.HasAtLeastXTotalItemsOfTier
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Inventory.GetTotalItemCountOfTier
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ItemStealController+StolenInventoryInfo.StealItem
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RunReport.Generate
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ScrapperController.BeginScrapping
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCleanseBehavior.CleanseInventoryServer
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.ShrineCleanseBehavior.InventoryIsCleansable
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Util.GetItemCountForTeam
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.SetOptionsFromInteractor
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.PickupPickerController.SetOptionsFromInteractor
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.UpdateDisplay
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.ItemInventoryDisplay.OnInventoryChanged
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+<>c.g PayCostItems|5_1
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CostTypeCatalog+<>c.g__PayCostItems|5_1
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Util.IsPrefab
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.RoR2Application.Update
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Networking.GameNetworkManager.Disconnect
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.PickupCatalog.Init
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.UI.LogBook.LogBookController.BuildPickupEntries
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Run.BuildDropTable
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.Networking.GameNetworkManager.OnServerAddPlayerInternal
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.DirectorCore.TrySpawnObject
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.DirectorCore.TrySpawnObject
[Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: TILER2.dll for: RoR2.OccupyNearbyNodes.OnSceneDirectorPrePopulateSceneServer
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Unity: WindowsPlayer
[Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Os: Windows
[Info : Console] Facepunch.Steamworks Arch: x64
[Info : Console] Searching for compatible XInput library...
[Info : Console] Found Xinput1_4.dll.
[Info : Unity Log] Initializing Mod System...
[Info : Unity Log] Mod System initialized.
[Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully.
[Info : Unity Log] Setting current language to "en"
[Info : Unity Log] Launch Parameters:
arg[0]="D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2.exe"
arg[4]="C:/Users/Austin/AppData/Roaming/Thunderstore Mod Manager/DataFolder/RiskOfRain2/profiles/Mods/BepInEx/core/BepInEx.Preloader.dll"
[Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/config.cfg: Could not find file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\config.cfg" [Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/autoexec.cfg: Could not find file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\autoexec.cfg" [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Run.BuildDropTable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Run.BuildDropTable [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.Artifacts.MonsterTeamGainsItemsArtifactManager.GenerateAvailableItemsSet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.Artifacts.MonsterTeamGainsItemsArtifactManager.GenerateAvailableItemsSet [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: R2API.dll for: RoR2.BossGroup.DropRewards [Debug : R2API] Hook added by assembly: for: RoR2.BossGroup.DropRewards [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() start [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to loadingbasic [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes... [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene loadingbasic loadSceneMode=2 [Info : R2API] [NetworkCompatibility] Adding to the networkModList : [Info : R2API] com.bepis.r2api;3.0.13 [Info : R2API] com.ThinkInvisible.TILER2;4.0.2 [Info : Unity Log] Setting current language to "en" [Info : Unity Log] LoadContentPacks() end [Info : Unity Log] Game content load completed in 5871ms. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.ReturnToBase (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.TravelToEnd (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.EntityStateCatalog] ApplyEntityStateConfiguration(EntityStates.MoonElevator.WaitAtTop (RoR2.EntityStateConfiguration)) failed: state type is null. [Info : Unity Log] [RoR2.Language] Setting current language to "en" [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/50a9de5e-3c65-4901-a79c-aacf8a70e8ef.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=122083 [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/6ef7c232-efab-4d31-ac16-0fedd161caae.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=142270 [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/c7b9946b-423e-49c2-bfb6-ae9f74ee6649.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=118389 [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/eb089a7d-88d1-42c3-bd91-4ecaa3013698.xml [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=139440 [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene loadingbasic [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to splash [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes... [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene splash loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to intro [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene splash [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to intro [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes... [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene intro loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] Setting offline scene to title [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene intro [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to title [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes... [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] GameNetworkManager.desiredHost={ hostType=Self listen=False maxPlayers=4 } [Info : R2API] Server Handlers registered [Info : R2API] Client Handlers registered [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene title [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to lobby [Debug : TILER2] Stage ended; applying 0 deferred config changes... [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene lobby loadSceneMode=Single [Info : Unity Log] gridColumns=8,totalElements=11,gridRows=2,maxEntryCount=16 [Info : Unity Log] Adding local player controller 0 on connection hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0 [Info : Unity Log] GameNetworkManager.AddPlayerInternal(conn=hostId: -1 connectionId: 0 isReady: False channel count: 0, playerControllerId=0, extraMessageReader=NetBuf sz:251 pos:251 [Info : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=lobby currentSceneName=lobby [Error : Unity Log] A connection has already been set as ready. There can only be one. [Info : Unity Log] Player 0 already added, aborting. [Info : Unity Log] Could not load config /Config/server_pregame.cfg: Could not find file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Config\server_pregame.cfg" [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to generate PreGameVoteController for Austinvonmonkeybutt [Info : Unity Log] PreGameRuleVoteController.ClientTransmitVotesToServer() [Info : Unity Log] Received vote from Austinvonmonkeybutt [Info : Unity Log] Accepting vote from Austinvonmonkeybutt [Info : Unity Log]