ThinkR-open / fusen

Inflate your package from a simple flat Rmd / Qmd
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Clean obsolete files in R, tests or vignettes #24

Closed statnmap closed 7 months ago

statnmap commented 3 years ago


During inflate_all():


Development will mainly take place in : "dev/flat_clean_fusen_files.Rmd"

Level of the package

Level of the inflate of one flat file

MargotBr commented 2 years ago

Hello @statnmap,

I don't know if this helps, but here is the code I produced to identify the "obsolete" functions.

It compares the functions present in the "flat" files (using the names of the chunks r function-...) and the functions present in the R/ directory.

I excluded the functions from the package that were not built with flat files (notably functions related to the shiny app, and utils functions).

identify_fct_in_flat <- function(name_flat_rmd) {

  flat_in_line <- readLines(file.path("dev", name_flat_rmd))

  names_fct_in_flat <- flat_in_line[which(stringr::str_detect(flat_in_line, "```\\{r function-"))] %>%
    stringr::str_remove_all("```\\{r function-") %>%



fct_in_flat_files <- list.files("dev")[list.files("dev") %>% stringr::str_detect("^flat")] %>%
  purrr::map(identify_fct_in_flat) %>%
  unlist() %>%

fct_in_r_folder <- list.files("R")

obsolete_fcts <- fct_in_r_folder[!(fct_in_r_folder %in% fct_in_flat_files)]
obsolete_fcts <- obsolete_fcts[!grepl("app|mod_|zzz|listofcodes-package|utils-pipe|welcome_banner", obsolete_fcts)]
ColinFay commented 2 years ago


Quick thoughts on this code :

    ```{r function-https, = "https"}
#' HTTP req
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_success cli_alert_danger
#' @importFrom httr GET POST add_headers status_code content
#' @return Un objet response de {httr}, lisible avec httr::content()
#' @noRd
#' @rdname HTTP
health_check <- function(
) {
  # [...]

- you can have several functions in the same chunk 

    ```{r function-https, = "https"}
#' HTTP req
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_success cli_alert_danger
#' @importFrom httr GET POST add_headers status_code content
#' @return Un objet response de {httr}, lisible avec httr::content()
#' @noRd
#' @rdname HTTP
health_check <- function(
) {
  # [...]

#' @noRd
#' @rdname HTTP
delete_ <- function(url, expected_status_code = 200) {
  # [...]
statnmap commented 2 years ago

A function to detect if there are duplicate names in "R/".
This requires to extract parse_fun_vec from parse_fun() that is already in {fusen}

parse_fun_vec <- function(code) {
  # code <- unlist(rmd_node_code(x[["ast"]]))
  regex_isfunction <- paste("function(\\s*)\\(", "R6Class(\\s*)\\(", 
                            sep = "|")
  regex_extract_fun_name <- paste("[\\w[.]]*(?=(\\s*)(<-|=)(\\s*)function)", 
                                  "[\\w[.]]*(?=(\\s*)(<-|=)(\\s*)R6Class)", "[\\w[.]]*(?=(\\s*)(<-|=)(\\s*)R6::R6Class)", 
                                  sep = "|")
  fun_name <- stringi::stri_extract_first_regex(code[grep(regex_isfunction, 
                                                          code)], regex_extract_fun_name) %>% gsub(" ", "", .)
  code <- gsub(pattern = "#'\\s*@", "#' @", code)
  first_function_start <- grep(regex_isfunction, code)[1]
  all_hastags <- grep("^#'", code)
  if (length(all_hastags) != 0) {
    last_hastags_above_first_fun <- max(all_hastags[all_hastags < 
  else {
    last_hastags_above_first_fun <- NA
  if (!any(grepl("@export|@noRd", code))) {
    if (! {
      code <- c(code[1:last_hastags_above_first_fun], "#' @noRd", 
                code[(last_hastags_above_first_fun + 1):length(code)])
    else if (all(grepl("^\\s*$", code))) {
      code <- character(0)
    else if (! {
      code <- c("#' @noRd", code)
  all_arobase <- grep("^#'\\s*@|function(\\s*)\\(", code)
  example_pos_start <- grep("^#'\\s*@example", code)[1]
  example_pos_end <- all_arobase[all_arobase > example_pos_start][1] - 
  example_pos_end <- ifelse(, grep("function(\\s*)\\(", 
                                                         code) - 1, example_pos_end)
  tag_filename <- gsub("^#'\\s*@filename\\s*", "", code[grep("^#'\\s*@filename", 
  tag_rdname <- gsub("^#'\\s*@rdname\\s*", "", code[grep("^#'\\s*@rdname", 
  rox_filename <- c(tag_filename, tag_rdname)[1]
  code[grep("^#'\\s*@filename", code)] <- "#'"
  tibble::tibble(fun_name = fun_name[1], code = list(code), 
                 example_pos_start = example_pos_start, example_pos_end = example_pos_end, 
                 rox_filename = rox_filename)

get_duplicate_functions <- function(path = "R") {
  all_r <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)
  all_funs <- lapply(all_r, function( one_r) {
    # one_r <- all_r[1]
    r_lines <- readLines(one_r)
  res <-"rbind", all_funs)
  res_clean <- res[![["fun_name"]]),]
  res_dups <- res_clean[["fun_name"]][duplicated(res_clean[["fun_name"]])]

  if (length(res_dups) != 0) {
    message('There are duplicated function names:', paste(res_dups, collapse = ", "))
    all_funs = res_clean,
    duplicated = res_dups
statnmap commented 7 months ago

Since 'fusen' registers files created during inflate in the config_fusen file, it knows what was the name of the created files in the previous inflate. Hence, we can ask to 'clean' these files directly.
By default, it asks when such a deleted filename occurs, but you can specifiy clean=TRUE in the inflate options.
I recommand to use inflate_all() too, to take care of functions that you moved from one flat to the other, so that you do not forget to inflate each file modified.