ThinkR-open / prenoms

French Baby Names 1900-2020
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picture in README does not include Cervan #11

Closed ginolhac closed 3 years ago

ginolhac commented 5 years ago

while the code does. just saying,


ColinFay commented 5 years ago

This is due to the fact that Cervan is a rare name, and there is no record in the database:

prenoms %>% filter(name == "Cervan")
# A tibble: 0 x 6
# ... with 6 variables: year <int>, sex <chr>, name <chr>, n <int>,
#   dpt <chr>, prop <dbl>

The INSEE doesn't register a name if there is less than 3 records for an observation (i.e less than 3 names for a given year/sex/dep)

ginolhac commented 5 years ago

sad, there should be at least 1 ;)

cecilesauder commented 4 years ago

This is due to the fact that Cervan is a rare name, and there is no record in the database:

prenoms %>% filter(name == "Cervan")
# A tibble: 0 x 6
# ... with 6 variables: year <int>, sex <chr>, name <chr>, n <int>,
#   dpt <chr>, prop <dbl>

The INSEE doesn't register a name if there is less than 3 records for an observation (i.e less than 3 names for a given year/sex/dep)

But it's horrible, you don't exist if there aren't at least two people with the same name as you! Thank you the INSEE "Cervan" doesn't exist, but "A" does... -__-