Thinkful-Ed / node-sql-sequelize-lessons

Extension work on SQL and Sequelize for Thinkful's Node course
1 stars 4 forks source link

User-submitted feedback for 1.1.2 #15

Open coach-t opened 7 years ago

coach-t commented 7 years ago

This may seem obvious but somewhere at the beginning where students are learning commands, we should mention this little piece of advice which can be found at "(Get in the habit of including those SQL semicolons. Psql won't execute anything until it sees the semicolon or a "\g" and the semicolon is required to delimit multiple statements.)" I mention this because when I inadvertently left out the semicolon, not only did the query not work but there was no error message and my prompt almost imperceptibly changed from "dev-restaurants-app=#" to "dev-restaurants-app-#". While I don't know the difference, a prompt with a dash instead of an equals sign appears to be useless and some students might not notice the difference and get frustrated when they correct their error by including the semicolon but still fail to make a successful query because their prompt now has a dash in it (which, again, seems to ignore all valid commands).

Curriculum url: UUID: 81c2b090-e895-11e6-a3eb-03934004d1da