Thinklab-SJTU / GENN-Astar

Implementation of our CVPR 2021 paper "Combinatorial Learning of Graph Edit Distance via Dynamic Embedding".
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get stuck in evaluation of genn_astar #1

Closed TriplePool closed 2 years ago

TriplePool commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the excellent work. I'm trying to re-implement the result of genn_astar on AIDS700nef and LINUX. However, I get stuck in running the evaluation script. I have downloaded the released weight file, but the evaluation makes no progress like in an endless loop. The outputs are as followed:

(genn) wbl@SA:~/workspace/codes/GED/GENN-Astar$ python --test --dataset AIDS700nef --enable-astar --astar-use-net --batch-size 1                                                                                                              
|      Parameter      |   Value    |
| Astar beamwidth     | 0          |
| Astar nopred        | 0          |
| Astar trustfact     | 1          |
| Astar use net       | 1          |
| Batch size          | 1          |
| Bins                | 16         |
| Bottle neck neurons | 16         |
| Cuda                | 0          |
| Dataset             | AIDS700nef |
| Diffpool            | 0          |
| Dropout             | 0          |
| Enable astar        | 1          |
| Epochs              | 350        |
| Filters 1           | 64         |
| Filters 2           | 32         |
| Filters 3           | 16         |
| Gnn operator        | gcn        |
| Histogram           | 0          |
| Learning rate       | 0.001      |
| Measure time        | 0          |
| Notify              | 0          |
| Plot                | 0          |
| Synth               | 0          |
| Tensor neurons      | 16         |
| Test                | 1          |
| Val                 | 0          |
| Weight decay        | 0.001      |

Preparing dataset.


Model evaluation.

  0%|                                                                                            | 0/58800 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Moreover, the evaluation on LINUX seems to take about 60+ hours. Is it running properly? Could you please help me with the above issues? Many thanks!

rogerwwww commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

Thanks for your interest in our paper. Perhaps it is just because the first test instance of the AIDS dataset is too difficult and it may take a longer time than you expected to solve. If everything works fine, it will eventually output a result.

About the testing time, yes it is time-consuming because our implementation is based on the A* algorithm which is even more time-consuming than ours. And we follow the testing protocol by existing GED learning papers that all pairs of graphs are compared. So if there are N graphs in the test dataset, N(N-1) GED problems need to be solved.

If you find the current efficiency unacceptable for your case, I have some suggestions: 1) Set a beam search width for A* so that it will predict a result more efficiently (at the cost of decreased accuracy); 2) Sample a subset of pairs of graphs during evaluation (and please note that the result is no longer a fair comparison with existing GED learning papers); 3) Use other deep learning regression GED methods which are super fast, but cannot predict the edit path;

BTW, there is another paper recently accepted where the GED problem on AIDS is also studied. If you are interested, you can refer to the preprint

TriplePool commented 2 years ago

Got it! Many thanks :)