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Admin panel does not work with trailingSlash: "always" in Astro js #1042

Open f33w opened 5 months ago

f33w commented 5 months ago

Hi there, I've installed Astro through Keystatic CLI, then changed trailingslash configuration to "always", but admin panel still uses no trailing slash path. That shoots errors, 404s every now and then

Astro config

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import react from '@astrojs/react';
import markdoc from '@astrojs/markdoc';
import keystatic from '@keystatic/astro';

import mdx from "@astrojs/mdx";

export default defineConfig({
  trailingSlash: "always",
  integrations: [react(), markdoc(), keystatic(), mdx()],
  output: 'hybrid'

Keystatic config:

import { config, fields, collection } from '@keystatic/core';

export default config({
  storage: {
    kind: 'local',
  collections: {
    posts: collection({
      label: 'Posts',
      slugField: 'title',
      path: 'src/content/posts/*',
      format: { contentField: 'content' },
      schema: {
        title: fields.slug({ name: {
           label: 'Title',
           description: 'modifies meta, SERP, OG',
           validation: {
            isRequired: true,
            length: { min: 58 } } 
          } }),
        description: fields.text({
          label: 'Description',
          multiline: true,
          validation: {
            isRequired: true,
            length: { min: 150, max: 160 } },
        pubDate:{ label: 'Pub Date', defaultValue: { kind: "today" }, validation: { isRequired: true } }),
        lastMod:{ label: 'Last mod', defaultValue: { kind: "today" }, validation: { isRequired: true }}),
        articleSection: fields.text({ label: 'Article section', description: 'modifies OG', defaultValue: 'retirement', validation: { isRequired: true }, }),
        content: fields.mdx ({ label: 'Content' }),
    authors: collection({
      label: 'Authors',
      slugField: 'name',
      path: 'src/content/authors/*',
      schema: {
        name: fields.slug({ name: { label: 'Name' } }),
safethecode commented 2 months ago

same issue nextjs @emmatown

safethecode commented 2 months ago

same issue nextjs @emmatown

and @jossmac

thinlines commented 2 months ago

I have the same issue on a NextJS site. If I click "Add" on a collection page in the Keystatic UI, I get a 404 Page not found. If I change my Next config to trailingSlash: false, then the page loads and I can add new posts. Further evidence is that if I navigate to a collection item and click "duplicate," the page loads fine regardless of the trailingSlash setting. I think this is because /keystatic/master/collection/blog/create?duplicate=... never has a trailing slash.

I'm using the GitHub reader. I haven't tested it with the local reader. The behavior I noted earlier happens on all collections, the schemas for which vary (some use fields.markdoc, some are much simpler, only fields.text).