Thinkmill / keystatic

First class CMS experience, TypeScript API, Markdown & YAML/JSON based, no DB
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[mdx field] don't add empty lines between list items #1167

Closed stefanprobst closed 4 days ago

stefanprobst commented 1 month ago


keystatic will save unordered lists by always adding an empty line between list items. for example:

- one

- two

- three

when the mdx is rendered, this will actually wrap each list item in a paragraph:


which looks like this:


when i manually edit the mdx file and remove the empty lines, this will render as:



from the remark docs:

there are two kinds of lists in markdown, tight and loose. Lists are tight by default but if there is a blank line between two list items or between two blocks inside an item, that turns the whole list into a loose list. When turning markdown into HTML, paragraphs in tight lists are not wrapped in <p> tags.