Thinkofname / snakeyaml

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Incorrect architecture #169

Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
The class Constructor.ConstructMapping marked as a protected
The method constructJavaBean2ndStep marked as a protected also
With the private typeDefinitions overwriting of constructJavaBean2ndStep is 
useless. (and this is the only place where typeDefinitions used)

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
- mark constructJavaBean2ndStep as a private
- or add a typeDefinitions getter
- or mark typeDefinitions as a protected
- or decompose constructJavaBean2ndStep

What version of SnakeYAML are you using? On what Java version?
SnakeYAML 1.11

Original issue reported on by on 13 Feb 2013 at 3:20

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Check the tests to see when constructJavaBean2ndStep is used.
If you have a proposal, feel free to change the code and provide a test to see 
what you wish to achieve with your proposal.

Original comment by on 14 Feb 2013 at 12:13

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I'm sorry. I was a bit tired after fighting with snakeyaml. Suspect that my 
ticket is not clear enough. Context is:

I use Scala and I have custom serialization and deserialization code. I achieve 
my target, but custom deserialization part is a bit junk. I read snakeyaml code 
a lot and understand when and how constructJavaBean2ndStep is used.

The problem is that end user (I am) unable to get access to typeDefinitions and 
correct constructJavaBean2ndStep for custom case. I am unable to fix 
constructJavaBean2ndStep based on typeDefinitions so I re implement 
AbstractConstruct. I suspect that it is not so good. It is possible to add
protected Map<Class<? extends Object>, TypeDescription> getTypeDefinitions()?
private final Map<Class<? extends Object>, TypeDescription> typeDefinitions;
as protected.

IMHO This is absolutely minor changes. Tests is not needed.

King regards,

Original comment by on 14 Feb 2013 at 7:35

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
The fact that only you and only now need such a change might mean that there is 
another way to do the same thing.
The test would help to see your use case.
It is not a problem to change the code. We would like just to understand why 
the change is required.
Fee free to provide the Scala code. 

Original comment by on 15 Feb 2013 at 7:42

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Here is a code. Please note that TypeSchemaRepresenter at the bottom - only few 
lines of code, beautiful. I want to reuse an exists snakeyaml code as much as 
possible for the deserialization. Right now I must reimplement 
InterfaceConstruct with AbstractConstruct instead of extend ConstructMapping, 
sad. TypeSchema.Interface and TypeSchema.Entity are not follow bean naming 
conversion for some reasons. I read a documentation and search across an 
Internet but not find an any strait solution to recreate custom classes without 
bean properties.

  object YAML extends Payload.YAMLProcessor[TypeSchema.Interface] {
    /** Convert JSON to the object */
    def from(data: String): TypeSchema.Interface = {
      val yaml = new Yaml(new TypeSchemaConstructor)
    /** Convert the object to JSON */
    def to(value: TypeSchema.Interface): String = {
      val options = new DumperOptions()
      val yaml = new Yaml(new TypeSchemaRepresenter, new DumperOptions())

    class TypeSchemaConstructor extends Constructor(classOf[Interface]) {
      val interfaceTag = new Tag(classOf[Interface])
      val entityTag = new Tag(classOf[Entity])
      this.yamlConstructors.put(interfaceTag, new InterfaceConstruct())
      this.yamlConstructors.put(entityTag, new EntityConstruct())

      def safeConstruct[T: Manifest](tuple: NodeTuple)(implicit owner: String): Option[T] = constructObject(tuple.getValueNode()) match {
        case value: T => Option(value)
        case unknown => throw new YAMLException("Unexpected %s key '%s' with type %s".
          format(owner, constructObject(tuple.getKeyNode), tuple.getValueNode().getTag()))
      class InterfaceConstruct extends AbstractConstruct {
        implicit val owner = "TypeSchema.Interface"

        def construct(node: Node): AnyRef = node match {
          case node: MappingNode =>
            var id: Option[String] = None
            var name: Option[String] = None
            var description: Option[String] = None
            var entities: scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[TypeSchema.Entity] = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
            for (value <- node.getValue())
              constructObject(value.getKeyNode()) match {
                case "id" => id = safeConstruct[String](value)
                case "name" => name = safeConstruct[String](value)
                case "description" => description = safeConstruct[String](value)
                case "entities" =>
                  val node = value.getValueNode() match {
                    case seq: SequenceNode =>
                      entities = for (value <- seq.getValue()) yield {
                    case unknown => throw new YAMLException("Unexpected TypeSchema.Interface 'entities' type " + unknown.getClass())
                case other => log.warn(s"unknown TypeSchema.Interface key: $other")
            val schema = for {
              id <- id
              name <- name
              description <- description
            } yield new TypeSchema(UUID.fromString(id), name, description, immutable.HashSet(entities.filter(_ != null): _*))
            schema getOrElse {
              log.error(s"Unable to load TypeSchema.Interface id:$id, name:$name, description:$description, entities:" + entities.mkString)
          case unknown =>
            throw new YAMLException("Unexpected TypeSchema.Interface node type " + unknown.getTag())
      class EntityConstruct extends AbstractConstruct {
        implicit val owner = "TypeSchema.Entity"

        def construct(node: Node): AnyRef = node match {
          case node: MappingNode =>
            var `type`: Option[String] = None
            var alias: Option[String] = None
            var availability: Option[Boolean] = None
            var description: Option[String] = None
            for (value <- node.getValue())
              constructObject(value.getKeyNode()) match {
                case "type" => `type` = safeConstruct[String](value)
                case "alias" => alias = safeConstruct[String](value)
                case "availability" => availability = safeConstruct[java.lang.Boolean](value).map(
                case "description" => description = safeConstruct[String](value)
                case other => log.warn(s"unknown TypeSchema.Entity key: $other")
            val entity = for {
              `type` <- `type`
              alias <- alias
              availability <- availability
              description <- description
            } yield TypeSchema.Entity(Symbol(`type`), alias, availability, description)
            entity.getOrElse {
              log.error(s"Unable to load TypeSchema.Entity type:%s, alias:$alias, availability:$availability, description:$description".format(`type`))
          case unknown =>
            throw new YAMLException("Unexpected TypeSchema.Entity node type " + unknown.getTag())

    class TypeSchemaRepresenter extends Representer {
      multiRepresenters.put(classOf[Interface], new InterfaceRepresent)
      multiRepresenters.put(classOf[Entity], new EntityRepresent)

      class InterfaceRepresent extends Represent {
        override def representData(data: AnyRef): Node = {
          val schema = data.asInstanceOf[TypeSchema]
          val map = new java.util.HashMap[String, AnyRef]()
          map.put("description", schema.description)
          map.put("entities", seqAsJavaList(schema.entities.toSeq))
          representMapping(Tag.MAP, map, null)
      class EntityRepresent extends Represent {
        override def representData(data: AnyRef): Node = {
          val entity = data.asInstanceOf[Entity]
          val map = new java.util.HashMap[String, AnyRef]()
          map.put("alias", entity.alias)
          map.put("description", entity.description)
          representMapping(Tag.MAP, map, null)

Example of serialized data:

id: ec2cba2f-68b9-47fb-8616-f8d0cc926ed6
description: blablabla
name: lalala
- {alias: '*thereIsNoData_text', description: tadadada, type: String,
  availability: true}

Original comment by on 15 Feb 2013 at 9:00

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
are you working with some open source project? Where I could look in 
TypeSchema.Interface ?


Original comment by on 18 Feb 2013 at 6:55

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Project will be open source. Right now it is unpublished.

Please note: "TypeSchema.Interface and TypeSchema.Entity are not follow bean 
naming conversion for some reasons." I don't want to add @beanproperty 
annotation to trait or flood it with getters and setters.

Could you please explain, how concrete realization could help for this case. 
The problem is: end user unable to reuse library code for deserialize custom 
nested classes. And there is neither a documentation nor examples of such type 
deserialization. Rewriting library code with copy'n'paste or designing 
workaround instead just extend exists class a bit inappropriate. Please correct 

   * The type schema entity. It is a tuple typeSymbol -> context information
  case class Entity(
    /** typeSymbol */
    val typeSymbol: Symbol,
    /** typeSymbol alias */
    val alias: String,
    /** Availability flag for user (some types may exists, but not involved in new element template creation) */
    val availability: Boolean,
    /** The enumeration description */
    val description: String) {
    lazy val view: String = if (alias.startsWith("*"))
      Resources.messages.get(alias.substring(1)).getOrElse {
        val result = alias.substring(1)
        val trimmed = if (result.endsWith("_text"))
          result.substring(0, result.length - 5)
        trimmed(0).toString.toUpperCase + trimmed.substring(1)
    else if (alias.isEmpty())
      Resources.messages.get( + "_text").getOrElse(
   * The base TypeSchema interface
  trait Interface {
    /** The type schema id */
    val id: UUID
    /** The type schema name */
    val name: String
    /** The type schema description */
    val description: String
    /** Type schema entities */
    val entities: immutable.HashSet[Entity]

    /** The copy constructor */
    def copy(id: UUID =,
      name: String =,
      description: String = this.description,
      entities: immutable.HashSet[TypeSchema.Entity] = this.entities): this.type

Original comment by on 18 Feb 2013 at 7:36

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I am just curious :)

Reason I'd like to see "bean" is that in my clone I've tried (hopefully I will 
continue) to make "bean" (de)serialization easier by using customized 

We will make typeDefinitions protected.

Original comment by on 18 Feb 2013 at 8:33

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Done. Please try the latest 1.12-SNAPSHOT

Original comment by on 18 Feb 2013 at 5:53

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago

Original comment by on 2 Apr 2013 at 5:01