Thinstation / thinstation

A framework for making thin and light Linux based images for x86 based machines and thinclients.
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Change root pass in thinstation server not image os #754

Open hesamkhatami opened 1 year ago

hesamkhatami commented 1 year ago

hi everyone, I want to change root pass of the thinstation server? how can it be? change "pleasechangeme" "chpasswd root" command not working, and "passwd root" in "Terminal Chroot" have permission that I can't permit it.

Thinstation commented 1 year ago

You have to rebuild the image. cd /build; cp conf/devstation/* .; stb —allmodules;update-initrd -l

hesamkhatami commented 1 year ago

THX but I want to change root pass in thinstation server not image. I know in build.conf can change pass in image and rebuild again. but in thinstation server can't change pass.

Thinstation commented 1 year ago

You have to rebuild the image. Nothing can be changed otherwise.

hesamkhatami commented 1 year ago

I rebuild it and only change pass for Image not thinstation server itself. thinstation itself still have "pleasechangeme" pass

Thinstation commented 1 year ago

Once you have a new image generated, install it at a root shell with, update-initrd -l, then reboot.

hesamkhatami commented 1 year ago

it got worse. [Kerner panic] but I have snapshot

hesamkhatami commented 1 year ago

It doen't work like that. actually I want pxe-image works as it be and I want manage pxe-server too. and I work with version 5.6 cause I need x86.