ThioJoe / Auto-Synced-Translated-Dubs

Automatically translates the text of a video based on a subtitle file, and also uses AI voice to dub the video, and synced using the subtitle's timings
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.53k stars 152 forks source link

Failed to submit batch synthesis job #65

Open lvance18 opened 1 year ago

lvance18 commented 1 year ago

[04/28/2023 11:05:10 PM Central Daylight Time] Failed to submit batch synthesis job: { "statusCode": 401, "value": { "code": "Unauthorized", "message": "Authentication is required to access the resource." } } Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Laurence\", line 282, in process_language(langData, processedCount, totalLanguages) File "c:\Laurence\", line 268, in process_language individualLanguageSubsDict = audio_builder.build_audio(individualLanguageSubsDict, langDict, totalAudioLength, config['two_pass_voice_synth']) File "c:\Laurence\Scripts\", line 76, in build_audio rawClip = AudioSegment.from_file(value['TTS_FilePath'], format="mp3", frame_rate=int(config['synth_sample_rate'])) KeyError: 'TTS_FilePath'

AdnielSsj commented 11 months ago

Good morning, I'll assume that you're trying to use Azure. If you want to do a batch job in Azure, you need a standard subscription and not a free one. Also, make sure that the "azure_speech_key" and "azure_speech_region" are correct for your Azure project.

