Open sjain882 opened 3 days ago
Can you elaborate on what you mean by support for WinRar and 7-Zip?
Also as of version 1.2.0 there is support for conditional favorites which should satisfy the 4th point
Apologies, I mean when extracting file from an opened archive:
QuickSwitch is an older, seemingly abandoned alternative to this script, written in AutoHotKey v1.
Your script is superior in many ways but there are a few things QuickSwitch does that yours does not. These are hardly necessary features, and their development time : feature value certainly varies, but nevertheless I'm putting the ideas out there.
[ ] (An option to) Automatically show the switcher. QuickSwitch does this - which can save a click, or make for an extra unnecessary click, as it's in the top left, obstructing many UI elements... but this can also be a blessing as it's always in the same place - my muscle memory has made it super-fast to switch. Perhaps you could show it in the centre-right side of the dialog? It could be collapsed by default then auto-expand on hover. Feel free to expand on this.
[ ] Support for WinRAR, 7-Zip... would be great!
[ ] If you'd like to support more file managers, some examples: Double Commander, Total Commander, XYplorer...
[x] Autoswitch for certain apps - e.g, when importing & exporting many times in Photoshop - set it to automatically switch to a certain path/dialog. You could even set this for specific titles within an app/exe ("Open", "Save as...") - In my opinion, this should be timed i.e, the user can set the Autoswitch to work for 60 minutes. Timer inspired by Hurl.
With regards to the organisation of issues in this repository, perhaps you could add labels for each AHK script, or use issue templates to pre-add title tags, so it's obvious which issue is for which script.
Imo, the ideal method would be to make this repository dedicated to Explorer Dialog Path Selector, given the amount of usage it'll see (and the fact it's the only script here right now) but it's up to you!
Thanks for the great work, it's lovely to finally have a modern UI version of QuickSwitch with better UX!