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Audio Transcriptions (leading to natural language processing) #28

Open TCEmkenn opened 3 years ago

TCEmkenn commented 3 years ago

Hi hi!

This is less-urgent, but something to talk about more?

I think you've talked a little bit about this for the purposes of SEO (and other backend stuff that I don't understand)? We're also interested in this from an accessibility perspective, so that transcripts are available for every audio piece we have on our website. (Yikes!) (Eventually.)

From our perspective, there's a few transcriptions that we have of pocket conferences that would be cool to start figuring out how we could display them on the website!


brendanmetzger commented 3 years ago

This has always been on my short list of things to implement. There is probably some kind of SEO benefit, but I think that's more of a by-product and there might be many more consequential opportunities—accessibility included. The transcripts themselves can come in kind of rough, so ideally there would be a quick way to edit and tag certain moments to create context.

I think there are a ton of opportunities that would come with this effort. You get an hour of transcribing included per month with Amazon Web Services, so test cases could be created, but I'd need to dig into the billing end of the TCF account to know more about how pricing might work.

TCEmkenn commented 3 years ago

OK, cool! Let's continue talking about this, and the many benefits! I'll write some notes next week.

Emily S. Kennedy | Program Director | Third Coast Festival | Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 1:17 PM Brendan Metzger wrote:

This has always been on my short list of things to implement. There is probably some kind of SEO benefit, but I think that's more of a by-product and there might be many more consequential opportunities—accessibility included. The transcripts themselves can come in kind of rough, so ideally there would be a quick way to edit and tag certain moments to create context.

I think there are a ton of opportunities that would come with this effort. You get an hour of transcribing included per month with Amazon Web Services, so test cases could be created, but I'd need to dig into the billing end of the TCF account to know more about how pricing might work.

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