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Competition Page: Sidebar requests #47

Open TCEmkenn opened 3 years ago

TCEmkenn commented 3 years ago


OK, so we're hoping to update the sidebar of the main Competition page today. There are a few things we've done before, and a few new things that we're interested in doing.

What we've done before, that would be great for today:

What we haven't done before:

Early Deadline: Tuesday, March 30 at 11:59 PM CT Final Deadline: Tuesday, May 11 at 11:59 PM CT

Could the title of that box be "Deadlines"?

The second section would have this title "OUR COMPETITION" and with the dropdown menu having links to these articles:

brendanmetzger commented 3 years ago

The dropdowns present a bit of a catch22. To get them into the template, they would either have to exist as freeform markdown or as an 'association' (ie. some datapoint). Unfortunately, dropdowns are form elements and cannot be made as markdown, so they would have to be composed as associations and developed further.

As you know, the comp/conf pages were originally designed to be composed of associated articles that can be reused year to year (which produces the sticky jump nav to accommodate the crazy lengthy pages). That was just how the initial design panned out to adhere to how things were done then. But the takeaway is, that templates are universal—whatever form they take must apply to all 2 decades (wow... 2 decades!) of data, but the can be redesigned to have different behavior so long as the data remain consistent.. for example, instead of having super long pages, you could employ tabs or similar.

TCEmkenn commented 3 years ago

That makes sense — I didn't think it would work for a similar reason, but it was worth a shot. Gonna look into TABS — that's very cool. I'll circle back with you with additional thoughts!

@brendanmetzger Re: button & box — I see you checked them off, but I'm not seeing them on dev or the live site ...

brendanmetzger commented 3 years ago

@TCEmkenn Sorry, I forgot to add mention.. The sidebar is populated by adding whatever markdown you want in the "extra" section. Any link will become a button, and you can add the deadlines and anything in whatever format you like.

I can take care of that later this evening if you want

TCEmkenn commented 3 years ago

GOT IT. OK, got it! I figured out how to add the button — that is very cool. WAHOO! I tested it, and I'm going to put that back in tomorrow AM.

Also formatted the deadline text. Any way I can bound it in a little text box, or is that not possible?