Third-Coast / website

The Third Coast Int. Audio Fest Website Code and notes
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Changing Website Color Palette #5

Open brendanmetzger opened 4 years ago

brendanmetzger commented 4 years ago

EK: How difficult is it for us to change colors on the website? We've been talking through changing the "skin" of our website for our 20th anniversary year/making subtle updates to indicate that "change is coming." (Like, as an example, making the "Donate" button in the footer a different color.)

brendanmetzger commented 4 years ago

Changing colors is relative trivial from a coding change. We spoke about doing something more profound—ie, temporal/situation color palettes, custom choices within an interface, etc. I'm noticing a confluence of structural design changes that seem to be gaining cohesion outside of a standard revision/update of fiddling with some templates. For the time being, I'm flagging this as a version 3.0 milestone just to start seeing everything that's on the table there.

TCEmkenn commented 4 years ago

Ooo, @brendanmetzger: Can you describe this a little bit more, so I can make sure I understand it a bit better? "I'm noticing a confluence of structural design changes that seem to be gaining cohesion outside of a standard revision/update of fiddling with some templates." (Does this feel good to you/does this lead you to want to do anything in particular?)

TCEmkenn commented 4 years ago

Re: Version 3.0! Thank you. I forgot that you'd added that milestone function. That's awesome.

Question for you: I feel like when we talked last week, we started to develop language for version 3.0, and this in-between thing that we talked about. Maybe what it's becoming is: "Version 2.5"?

So, not just micro-tweaks/regular year tweaks, but these smaller steps that are signaling to our outward-facing audience that we're working towards a "Version 3.0" after this?

Does the language of "Version 2.5" make sense to you?

Some things that I think would fall under that, that we've worked on so far, are:

I'd love to start making some color changes/font changes/etc. in the next month or so to the overall site that are signaling this "in-between-ness" of the website. So, this "new skin" idea, of adjusting the color palette + fonts of the website for now/streamlining some elements. Those aren't to suggest that we've "arrived" at the destination (Version 3.0) (though I don't believe we're ever really AT a destination, it's an evolving process!), but that we're actively "under construction/shaking things up/making changes."

This is how I'm thinking of the conversation we had on Friday about how to balance the "a-little-more-than tweaking" nature of the work that we need to do right now (what I'm lovingly dubbing as Version 2.5), and the "strategic, forward-facing moves" (Version 3.0) that live alongside these conversations, but are a larger project. I want to make sure there's space for both.

Does this mirror/resonate with how you're approaching things? Does this 2.5 vs. 3.0 shorthand work for you?