ThirteenAG / GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix

This project aims to fix or address some issues in Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Train tracks' mesh casts a shadow onto cars, but not onto the street. #173

Closed MiesThies closed 1 month ago

MiesThies commented 12 months ago

Sorry if it has been discussed before:


Rsao123 commented 12 months ago

me too 20230911193959_1

MiesThies commented 12 months ago

What I also noticed, is that the mesh, which is casting the shadow, is not visible from below (though it is from above). Interestingly, this is only in front of Roman's apartment, farther up Mohawk Ave, it is visible from one point (see Picture 1).

Also apparently the mesh only doesn't cast a shadow right in front of the apartment, but a few feet farther, it does. You can see, that on the left side, there is no mesh shadow and on the right side there is (Picture 2).

GTAIV_2023_09_11_16_49_19_579 GTAIV_2023_09_11_16_58_42_651

MiesThies commented 12 months ago

Again different area, depending on the angle, the mesh shadow looks even weirder, like white-ish, see first pic. Second pic for comparison, that it depends on viewing angle.

GTAIV_2023_09_11_20_13_21_228 GTAIV_2023_09_11_20_13_30_562

Tomasak commented 10 months ago

More objects had shadows restored, these reported too. 2.0 should fix this

MiesThies commented 10 months ago

I think it was only partly fixed so far, unfortunately. I just made some new screenshots with 2.0 and there are still plenty of areas, where the shadow appears to be incorrect. TBH, the amount of missing mesh shadow probably is even higher than the amount of correct mesh shadows :D

Don't get me wrong, I totally dig the new update, it's f*cking fire!! Just wanna help to make it even more perfect :)








Tomasak commented 10 months ago

Never ending story, will try hunt down more names later

Tomasak commented 9 months ago

Are all shadows now present on 2.1?

MiesThies commented 9 months ago

Are all shadows now present on 2.1?

So I tested it and the good news is: You're getting a lot closer, lol :)

The bad news, if you consider it that, is that it's not perfect, yet. I tracked down the locations for you:

Here, the shadow on the ground is perfect, GTAIV_2023_11_25_21_53_37_125

but the mesh between the tracks is missing: GTAIV_2023_11_25_21_53_00_823

Under the Algonquin-Dukes-Expressway bridge, the train tracks have mesh, GTAIV_2023_11_25_21_55_02_099

but the shadow on the ground is missing: GTAIV_2023_11_25_21_54_58_017

Here is just some more random locations, where the shadow is missing: GTAIV_2023_11_25_21_57_43_351 GTAIV_2023_11_25_21_59_27_719 GTAIV_2023_11_25_22_00_03_493 GTAIV_2023_11_25_22_01_10_903 GTAIV_2023_11_25_22_02_23_384

While driving around, I stumbled upon this, which looks weird and just wanted to let you know: GTAIV_2023_11_25_22_01_11_510 GTAIV_2023_11_25_22_01_36_828

It looks like something with the trees' and the tracks' shadows doesn't mix too well (look at the trees' shadows)

For reference, this was on 1080 with the following settings: GTAIV_2023_11_25_22_01_55_362

Sorry for all the work, but thank you for doing it! :)

Edit: Some more: GTAIV_2023_11_26_20_43_07_764

Here not only the shadow, but also the mesh itself is missing: GTAIV_2023_11_26_20_43_47_821

Here, neither mesh or shadow are missing, but those "lines" right in between the tracks on the right side, that even draw a shadow, are missing: GTAIV_2023_11_26_20_44_38_858

MiesThies commented 2 weeks ago

I'm sorry to still bug you with this, but I cannot make peace with the train track's mesh and shadows.

There's still plenty of inconsistencies. Some examples:

  1. Hove beach near Roman's apartment: On the ground there is a shadow of a mesh (1st pic, red circle on the street, 1.1 pic), but when you look up, you can not see the mesh, that must produce that shadow. Altough when you're standing on top of the train tracks, you can see, that the mesh is there (2nd pic). It just seems to be invisible from the ground at this location. Also the parallel lines in the middle of each train track (red circle top left and right) do not produce any shadow on the ground in this location, even though they do so in other locations (3rd pic, first red circle from the right).

1st pic 1  (Groß)

1.1 pic 1 1

2nd pic 2

  1. Oneida Ave, Hove Beach The mesh shadow on the left abruptly stops (3rd pic, first red circle from the left). It is correct, as when you look at it from below (4th pic) and above (5th pic), you see that the actual mesh that produces the shadow also stops. But it does look weird ending so abruptly. Also there appear to be two different kinds of mesh, one diamond shaped and one cube shaped (3rd pic, second red circle). Looks weird, too.

3rd pic 3 (Groß)

4th pic 4

5th 5 (Groß)

  1. Hove Beach station Similar to the aforementioned, at a certain point the mesh stops, pic 7 (and therefore the shadow stops, pic 6).

6th pic 6

7th pic 7 (Groß)

Also, when you stand on the lower platform and look up, you cannot see any mesh, pic 8, but when you look on the ground, you can see the mesh's shadow.

8th pic 8th

9th pic 9th

and some more missing mesh (or collision) and inconsistent shadows: 10th GTAIV_2024_08_21_20_35_27_976 GTAIV_2024_08_21_20_36_02_640 (Groß) GTAIV_2024_08_21_20_36_34_185

I knoooooow this has probably no priority for you and rightly so, but it grinds my gears so much lol, I'd be so thankful if this was fixed :)

Tomasak commented 2 weeks ago

various fixes should take care of that