ThirteenAG / GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix

This project aims to fix or address some issues in Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Defamation law suit preparation against @Zolika1351 #377

Closed cammy8580 closed 8 months ago

cammy8580 commented 8 months ago

What should happen

2.4.0 introduced a massive blacklist of many mods. I think the feature list should incorporate an acknowledgement of the blacklist and what mods are blacklisted just for transparency.


ThirteenAG commented 7 months ago

Here's another clown moment from that blog post(4th or 5th edit and counting, so much for quitting):


Shortly after this, I publicly announced that I'm quitting GTA modding with the aforementioned blogpost, and simply cut all contact with the community for my own good. It wasn't worth it having to worry about slander being thrown at me every few months (or weeks in some cases) every time I release or update something.


And here's them going through with that, clear as day: dll.png

While there was a (frankly poor) attempt at hiding what this code does, all it's for is making every single one of my mods (yes, even the ones that are fully compatible with CE, see: VRadio, VWeapon) not work on purpose if FusionFix is installed. Here's the actual list of blocked files: list.png There is no possible excuse for this, and it was clearly targeted. (So much for transparency and open-source, too, there was a clear attempt to hide this, and it's never mentioned anywhere except in a reply to a random buried GitHub issue after someone called them out about it!)

Shortly after the aforementioned attacks, I publicly announced that I'm quitting GTA modding with the aforementioned blogpost, and simply cut all contact with the community for my own good. It wasn't worth it having to worry about slander being thrown at me every few months (or weeks in some cases) every time I release or update something.

He thinks I'm hiding something? The only reason this list isn't in plain view, is because I'm disgusted by seeing this lying piece of shit's nickname.

There is no possible excuse for this, and it was clearly targeted.

Damn straight skippy. Except you ARE targeted NOW, for all your lies and the damage you have caused with death threats, lies, and false accusations. Took you this long to realize that? You WILL pay for that. @Zolika1351

ThirteenAG commented 7 months ago

The further matter will be resolved privately with the help of a legal representative. I hope that's the end of it.

cammy8580 commented 7 months ago

Damn straight skippy. Except you ARE targeted NOW, for all your lies and the damage you have caused with death threats, lies, and false accusations. Took you this long to realize that? You WILL pay for that. @Zolika1351

Hope you're aware that someone claiming to be apart of your team has threatened to dox me over discord yesterday regarding my stance, saying almost 1:1 about "needing to pay." Not sure if it was you, or if it was just some troll, but they somehow managed to know about me being blocked from the github repo and also my previous statements in a server.

ThirteenAG commented 7 months ago

We know you made this account and chatted with yourself. Seriously, get your sorry ass out of here. The situation is resolved.

There's no such thing as a fusion fix developer also, anybody free to contribute.

cammy8580 commented 7 months ago

We know you made this account and chatted with yourself. Seriously, get your sorry ass out of here. The situation is resolved.

There's no such thing as a fusion fix developer also, anybody free to contribute.

Now you're just flat out lying. I was going to DM you regarding this first because I wanted you to know, but after realizing there was nowhere that I could of which you actively used (your reddit was just recently used after 5 years), and then seeing the reply you made in a github which bore a lot of similarities to the DMs i received, I figured I'd post them here. The reason the messages say "Today" is because I was actively taking screenshots of them the day before and letting people know privately that I was being threatened with a federal crime.

This same account went into GTRF posting download links to to FF saying "download fusionfix" in russian, as well as claiming zolika's server is ran by a bunch of furries, and also telling me to be a "good little bitch."

My friends suggested I make these dms go public after seeing them, telling me to put them on full blast. I initially was against it, out of fear for my own safety, but after some thinking and considering the circumstances, this needs to be brought to light.

No, I did not make this account. Someone posing as your team, however, did.

nastyyaboi commented 7 months ago

first of all who are you you keep steering shit everywhere from here to discord, second of all please kindly bounce off this repository and stop yapping, go find god instead

hiddenmask58 commented 7 months ago

Defamation? Over free mods? Over internet drama? A LAWSUIT LMFAO? nah that's genuinely unstable shit, turn off the monitors and look away from the screens holy shit


Ash-735 commented 7 months ago


Please see my response here as to why this is different to Silent's stuff being closed source (even though his closed source stuff is going to be made open soon):

Ash-735 commented 7 months ago

Someone posing as your team, however, did.

Sadly this is not a new occurrence, someone pretended to be Zolika multiple times in the past when sending screenshots to me to try and disrupt the deal we had.

Also arn't you the one going around spreading lies to people saying I've lied and that I'm a bad faith actor in this? I've been sent screenshots of that and it's your name saying this stuff, unless someone is now pretending to be you in which case this is getting too confusing.

ThirteenAG commented 7 months ago

Defamation? Over free mods? Over internet drama? A LAWSUIT LMFAO? nah that's genuinely unstable shit, turn off the monitors and look away from the screens holy shit

Maybe learn to read? He enticed people to send death threats, because lying is like breathing to him. If everything is a joke to you, doesn't mean it's a joke to everyone else. This has nothing to do with any mods. If you'd sent death threats my way, I'd respond the same to you.

And like I said, this matter will be resolved privately. Enough has been said and done, pretty much anyone can come to a solid conclusion based on all the information provided.

cammy8580 commented 7 months ago

Also arn't you the one going around spreading lies to people saying I've lied and that I'm a bad faith actor in this? I've been sent screenshots of that and it's your name saying this stuff, unless someone is now pretending to be you in which case this is getting too confusing.

I didn't. I said you lied when it came to the semantics regarding you saying tomasak was the one to step forward with annoyance, when zolika had proof otherwise. Some specifics in your original message also seemed to have been padded to sound polite when in reality the ones sent to zolika were out of sheer annoyance and sounded distrustful. The messages you saw from were most likely the ones where I said you attempted to "cover your ass," because it really did seem like that was the case.

I sent messages once thinking you were reasonable, but after seeing Zolikas' final goodbye, my stance shifted. I'm not going to retract what I said, but at no point did I intend for it to sound as if you were one who partook in Zolika harassment. I simply didn't think of you as credible as I once did.

After looking back, there was a message I sent one after another regarding talking about FF bad actors, and then mentioning your name afterwards. To be honest, I can see where the misinterpretation came from, but I really don't think of you as anywhere near as bad as the others.

Ash-735 commented 7 months ago

I sent messages once thinking you were reasonable, but after seeing Zolikas' final goodbye, my stance shifted.

Could you clarify what it was about Zolika's latest goodbye that contradicts what I said? Because at this point I think some people are reading whatever they want into this where as my post above is the events from my POV and what I encountered.

cammy8580 commented 7 months ago

I sent messages once thinking you were reasonable, but after seeing Zolikas' final goodbye, my stance shifted.

Could you clarify what it was about Zolika's latest goodbye that contradicts what I said? Because at this point I think some people are reading whatever they want into this where as my post above is the events from my POV and what I encountered.

I did, above in the first paragraph.

Ash-735 commented 7 months ago

I did, above in the first paragraph.

What was Zolika's proof here that contradicts what I've said? Which messages are you specifically talking about? I'd happily explain my side but I need to know what exactly is the issue.

juicermv commented 7 months ago

I am completely uninvolved in this conflict but I think this is completely crazy. I hope you guys can make amends.

SandeMC commented 7 months ago

Maybe learn to read? He enticed people to send death threats

Maybe stop claiming this part until you actually get a single piece of proof that anybody related to Zolika directly is actually sending death threats on his request? You know you're doing defamation yourself by claiming this stuff without proof, right?

ThirteenAG commented 7 months ago

Maybe learn to read? He enticed people to send death threats

Maybe stop claiming this part until you actually get a single piece of proof that anybody related to Zolika directly is actually sending death threats on his request? You know you're doing defamation yourself by claiming this stuff without proof, right?

And I said I'll resolve it by legal means, so I can't talk about it anymore. You are done here.