ThirteenAG / WidescreenFixesPack

Plugins to make or improve widescreen resolutions support in games, add more features and fix bugs.
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Widescreen and HUD scaling for Lithtech engine games. #539

Closed cesar300 closed 4 years ago

cesar300 commented 5 years ago

Will be possible to add support for these games? Full widescreen support and HUD scaling at higher resolutions.

sunroker commented 5 years ago

NOLF widescreen patch:

NOLF 2 widescreen patch:

AVP2 widescreen launcher:

Die Hard Nakatomi Plaza widescreen instructions:

Go to the installation folder.
Open autoexec.cfg with a text editor.
Add following lines to the bottom of the file:

"screenwidth" "1920" "screenheight" "1080" "Renderer" "DirectDraw HAL" "fovx" "106" "fovxinterface" "106" "fovyuwmax" "124"

Save config file and run game.

cesar300 commented 5 years ago

OK but the HUD is too small on high resolutions. The same happens in the main menu (A 640x480 centered square in a 1920x1080 screen)

sunroker commented 5 years ago

Yes, the menus and hud are very small in NOLF on high resolutions. I don't know of any way to correct that.

I just play the game without the hud because it's too small to be useful.

To play NOLF without the hud, I do NOT use the widescreen patch. I set my resolution to 1920x1440. That zooms in on the display so the top and bottom are rendered off screen. So, the hud is not visible. Then, in the menus I move the mouse to the top or bottom of the screen to shift the display up/down until it is centered. Then I turn off the weapon select icons in the menus and play without the hud. There's no way to correct the small menu though.

The hud is correctly scaled in NOLF2, but I use the same method as NOLF and zoom in to play without the hud.

I also just press the + key in AVP2 to play without the hud.

I haven't played the Die Hard game before.

Keith94 commented 5 years ago

What does fovxinterface do in lithtech games? Related to HUD?

sunroker commented 5 years ago

fovxinterface controls the background of the main menu. Normal numbers are in the 90-110 range. Low numbers (for example 30) stretch the background. High numbers (such as 300) flip the background (so left is right and right is left). I don't know how to shift the position of the hud. I've been trying to figure that out for a while. For NOLF 2, the widescreen mod by wobak has an option: RightHudPush (which can be added to the autoexec.cfg file) and will move the ammo count farther to the right (higher numbers move the ammo count farther to the right), but that command is specific to that mod for NOLF 2 and there isn't a similar command for the left side of the hud.

Keith94 commented 5 years ago

Maybe dgVoodoo can run the game in high resolutions while scaling the HUD properly.

vomataca commented 4 years ago

sunroker can you help me whit the game? i have windows 10 x64 , alien vs predator 2 instaled .. i have low fps. and lower when im in action in game. it has been tormenting me for a long time, i can play online enynmore bicause my laptop suport only win 10 and 8, in windows 7 the game works perfecly.

sunroker commented 4 years ago

sunroker can you help me whit the game? i have windows 10 x64 , alien vs predator 2 instaled .. i have low fps. and lower when im in action in game. it has been tormenting me for a long time, i can play online enynmore bicause my laptop suport only win 10 and 8, in windows 7 the game works perfecly.

I don't have Windows 10, but I think this this tutorial may help you:

You could also try running it as administrator, in compatibility mode,

I also found an alternative solution here that runs it through a dgvoodoo2 wrapper: