ThisIsManta / stylus-supremacy

A Node.js script that helps formatting Stylus files.
MIT License
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Insert New Line Settings Not Working #37

Closed alexwendte closed 5 years ago

alexwendte commented 5 years ago

in my .stylsrc file I have included the two following lines:

  "insertNewLineAroundBlocks": false,
  "insertNewLineAroundOthers": false,

Other settings are working and I can change them and save and I will see the changes reflected immediately in my .styl file, but not the two settings above.

ThisIsManta commented 5 years ago

Have you tried the playground yet?

ThisIsManta commented 5 years ago

I'm closing this issue as it works fine on my end.

alexwendte commented 5 years ago

I’m sorry, I have had a busy week. Yes, that is what I formatted my Ike after, and it was not working. Others settings did though, such as “insertBraces”: true

ThisIsManta commented 5 years ago

Would you mind sharing your Stylus code and its expectation, please?

alexwendte commented 5 years ago

This is what my code looks like before and after I save in the .stylintrc file and in my AboutUs.styl file

.subheading {
    padding-top: 1rem

.index-heading {
    color: purple
    padding-top: 5rem
    text-align: center

.cards {
    display: flex
    flex-wrap: wrap
    justify-content: center
    padding-top: 3rem

On the playground link you shared, it comes out to:

.subheading {
  padding-top: 1rem
.index-heading {
  color: purple
  padding-top: 5rem
  text-align: center
.cards {
  display: flex
  flex-wrap: wrap
  justify-content: center
  padding-top: 3rem

Which is what I would expect to happen

ThisIsManta commented 5 years ago

You want it to be like the below after formatting. Plus, you only have styling rules in .stylintrc file. Am I correct?

.subheading {

.index-heading {

.cards {