Blocks of coffeescript in a jade file will only stop coffeescript syntax highlighting when it has read a line with less or equal whitespace indentation as coffeescript that actually has text on the line.
Before, it was finding any line with any amount of whitespace less, regardless of whether that line had text. If your editor trimmed trailing whitespace, then only the first bit of coffeescript had proper syntax coloring, and the rest had jade coloring.
@DrewMartin Feel free to merge this your self if you think it works. I don't maintain this repository any more (also, I've added you as a collaborator, as you seem to care about this project).
Blocks of coffeescript in a jade file will only stop coffeescript syntax highlighting when it has read a line with less or equal whitespace indentation as coffeescript that actually has text on the line. Before, it was finding any line with any amount of whitespace less, regardless of whether that line had text. If your editor trimmed trailing whitespace, then only the first bit of coffeescript had proper syntax coloring, and the rest had jade coloring.