ThisNetWorks / ThisNetWorks.OrchardCore.OpenApi

Orchard Core Open Api Code Generation Tools based on NSwag
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Update for Orchard 1.8 and NSwag 14 #40

Open mvarblow opened 5 months ago

mvarblow commented 5 months ago

Any plans to update the module for .NET 8 -- Orchard Core 1.8 and NSwag 14?

If I try that combination with ThisNetWorks.OrchardCore.OpenApi 1.5.0 then I get this at runtime when enabling the Open API feature:

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Action1<NSwag.AspNetCore.SwaggerUi3Settings> ThisNetWorks.OrchardCore.OpenApi.Options.OpenApiMiddlewareOptions.get_SwaggerUi3Settings()'. at ThisNetWorks.OrchardCore.OpenApi.Startup.Configure(IApplicationBuilder builder, IEndpointRouteBuilder routes, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) at OrchardCore.Modules.ShellPipelineExtensions.ConfigurePipelineAsync(IApplicationBuilder builder) at OrchardCore.Modules.ShellPipelineExtensions.BuildPipelineInternalAsync(ShellContext context) at OrchardCore.Modules.ShellPipelineExtensions.BuildPipelineAsync(ShellContext context) at OrchardCore.Modules.ModularTenantRouterMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at OrchardCore.Modules.ModularTenantContainerMiddleware.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<<Invoke>b__0>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at OrchardCore.Environment.Shell.Scope.ShellScope.UsingAsync(Func2 execute, Boolean activateShell) at OrchardCore.Environment.Shell.Scope.ShellScope.UsingAsync(Func2 execute, Boolean activateShell) at OrchardCore.Environment.Shell.Scope.ShellScope.UsingAsync(Func2 execute, Boolean activateShell) at OrchardCore.Environment.Shell.Scope.ShellScope.UsingAsync(Func2 execute, Boolean activateShell) at OrchardCore.Environment.Shell.Scope.ShellScope.UsingAsync(Func2 execute, Boolean activateShell) at OrchardCore.Modules.ModularTenantContainerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddlewareImpl.Invoke(HttpContext context)

deanmarcussen commented 5 months ago

yes, there's an upgrade to NSwag in OC 1.8 that isn't reflectd in this repository yet.

There is an draft pr here, I just haven't had time to test it, or add the OC 1.8 upgrade as well

If you are actively using it, and can report issues, then I'd be happy to merge it untested, as I am not in a position to take OC 1.8 easily and test it well myself at the moment.