ThoNohT / NohBoard

A Keyboard Visualizer
GNU General Public License v2.0
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freezing the pc after alt tabbing out of the game #199

Open sp404sx opened 1 year ago

sp404sx commented 1 year ago

i only use this for apex legends, and i already tested it, whenever i'm with the nohboard overlay running on obs, one of my alt+tabs will eventually freeze the entire pc (mouse wont work, sometimes i get black screens, most of the time it's just a frame of whatever was in the screen before the freeze, audio still working and all, etc)

when im not running nohboard this NEVER happens. i thought it could possibly just be a coincidence so i tested this for a few days and every. single. time. i got a freeze after alt tabbing it was while nohboard was running.

i run both obs and nohboard as admin everytime and i really don't know what the hell is causing the issue. surely it has something to do with nohboard because it's only when it's open that it happens. i like this input overlay way more than the other ones too, so it's pretty sad to see :/ hoping to get some help here.

N4fe commented 10 months ago

ive had the same thing with both apex and now csgo. This used to happen to me when streaming and having the replay buffer enabled in obs. As described when ALT TABBING pc freezes and cant do anything until i restart. ive had to do this during streams and it was frustrating..

This used to happed to me with Apex for a while then suddenly now Apex is fine but CSGO now crashes my pc. when it used to be the opposite and ive been trying to find a fix and the only conclusion ive come with is to restart and not use Noh board when the game doesn't like it.