ThoZed / graylog-cp-watchguard

Graylog Content Pack for Watchguard Fireware Logging
MIT License
34 stars 13 forks source link

Applying bundle failed #24

Closed knilda closed 5 years ago

knilda commented 5 years ago

Hi! Unfortunately, I could not apply the first bundle. I copied the csv to /etc/graylog but the error message says "Applying bundle failed". Only the third bundle is working for me. Thanks for any help

ThoZed commented 5 years ago

Hi knidla, i could reproduce you issue, it should be solved with #25 .Please remove every component and start fresh with importing content pack files. If there are any further issues feel free to reopen this issue. Enjoy using this content pack. Also feel free to contribute, there are still some extractors to build:-)

knilda commented 5 years ago

Hi ThoZed, thank you very much for editing the content pack. Unfortunately, this Isssue is still the same for me, I cannot apply the content of the first pack. The second, third and fourth, I can apply. I removed all packs and even removed Dashboards and Streams, but no difference. Well, I could do a restart of the graylog-server and try again. Best wishes, Knilda

ThoZed commented 5 years ago

Hi knilda, actually i couldn't reproduce the problem. But i ran in similar problems if some parts of a content pack aren't removed before applying the content pack again. fist remove all content packs under System/Content Packs/Firewall

Please check all components and remove them manually if they are still there...

have fun, looking forward to hear if you could solve the issue

knilda commented 5 years ago

Hi ThoZed,

it worked! I had to delete lookup_tables first, then I could delete lookup_caches and lookup_data_adapters. I am happy for the content pack because I need it to test my R shiny App with watchguard firewall data. Your extractors are perfect to make it run. I am very happy about that! (demo is here:

Let me see if I can contribute with more extractors, when I get more into that.

Best wishes and thank you very much for your help,


ThoZed commented 5 years ago

Hello Knilda,

I'am glad to hear, that you could finally use the content pack. I just checked your App. It's a good approach to provide filtered data, really nice! . I look forward to see the progress on you Repo. Maybe i could provide a howto, in which way a new extractor is added to this content pack. There are a plenty of them to build. If you have a specific Message ID which isn't processed yet, feel free to open a new issue. Have a nice day ThoZed

knilda commented 5 years ago

Hello ThoZed, thank you for your review! Nice to hear you like my App. A howto would be nice, as I am new to building extractors. Best wishes, Martina