ThomDietrich / home-assistant-addons

AutoSSH Home Assistant Addon - alternative to cloud or VPN: Permanent port forwarding
MIT License
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AutoSSH - Local Forward Tunnel #19

Open Bierchermuesli opened 4 months ago

Bierchermuesli commented 4 months ago

Hey, I like your addon!

I used the Tunnel for both ways to access a remote SQL and InfluxDB. So I put -N -L 3306: -L 8086: to other_ssh_options and set to db_url and influx connection. I know its a bit hacky but pretty simple usage as its in use in small remote hut with weak connection.

It worked very well until 'recently'. It looks like the ports arn't exposed anymore, inside the container it works. Alltrought I don't see any breaking changes but didn't digged into it. Any advice? or idea for improovment?

ThomDietrich commented 4 months ago

Servus, thanks happy to hear you find it useful. Your use case riddles me. With a -L forwarding you bind those sockets locally to the addon container. You would need additional configuration to make those globally accessible. It may be, that the default HA OS setup had weird and insecure defaults to allow this and that was recently changed with an update!? Did you try explicitly setting the local interface? E.g. -L