ThomasDickey / original-mawk

bug-reports for mawk (originally on GoogleCode)
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different versioning scheme #54

Closed mmckinst closed 5 years ago

mmckinst commented 6 years ago

The versioning scheme mawk uses doesn't always work well with tools used to monitor for new versions of stuff. Specifically the problem is the dash in the version like "1.3.4-20171017". In the version field of an RPM spec file, dashes aren't allowed.

Could the "1.3.4" be dropped and just do snapshots where the version would be "20171017" ?

Is doing releases as t20171017 an officially recognized version string ( ? If so that works perfectly.

ThomasDickey commented 6 years ago

Actually the version is the full-length 1.3.4-20171017 (just as done for ncurses 6.1-20180602 for example). If there's a 1.3.5 (perhaps...) then there'll be a v1_3_5 tag for that, along with the corresponding patch-date t20xxxxxx whatever. You could just look for the patchdate change (I'm not likely to issue branch releases on mawk or anything), but a package should reference the full-length verson.

ThomasDickey commented 6 years ago

This has the version-information for instance: