ThomasGysemans / code_editor

A code editor (dart, js, html, ...) for Flutter with syntax highlighting and custom theme.
MIT License
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support dart language #22

Open Rasha-Mosaed opened 1 month ago

Rasha-Mosaed commented 1 month ago

please we want display the code in text field in dart formatt

the langauge support is html now , right ?

please let me if dart lang is supported

ThomasGysemans commented 1 month ago

As of today there is no automatic formatter for the Dart language. Only one experimental formatter is available and it's for HTML. However, Dart syntax highlighting should be available right now.

I do not plan on adding a custom formatter for Dart, but surely you can find a library or a package made by people who have already come across this particular need. If you do then please let me know and I will add it.