ThomasMertes / seed7

Source code of Seed7
GNU General Public License v2.0
207 stars 11 forks source link

Near full seed7 git repository from #5

Open mingodad opened 3 years ago

mingodad commented 3 years ago

Attached there are the files I used to create a git repository from the seed7 releases from, there is a readme that explains it:

To create a git repository from seed7 releases from follow these steps:

wget -i filelist
squilu clean-files-list.nut

Then you'll have two new folders:
src -> the git repository containing the seed7 releases
seed7 -> the last uncompressed release with a symlink .git folder to ../src/.git

The command 'squilu clean-files-list.nut' probably you'll need to recreate with your prefered scripting language
or download a 'squilu' binary for your platform from