ThomasScialom / QuestEval

MIT License
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How to use GPU for computation? #10

Open DennisDavari opened 8 months ago

DennisDavari commented 8 months ago

Hello, I am still quite a newbie when it comes to machine learning so excuse me if my question is actually trivial. When I run QuestEval locally it is very slow and for that purpose I want to use a machine with an NVIDIA GPU to speed up the process. Do I just need to change the code questeval = QuestEval(no_cuda=True) to questeval = QuestEval(no_cuda = False) in order to use the GPU?

When running QuestEval via Google Colab I get the warning that I am not using my GPU so I am not sure if I actually managed to use the GPU for the whole process. Do I need to change the code elsewhere too to use the GPU?
