ThomasYeoLab / CBIG

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Schaefer2018 for HCP data #52

Closed lijin-coder closed 8 months ago

lijin-coder commented 8 months ago

Dear CBIG Administrator: Thank you for your excellent work on human brain parcellation! Recently I want to use Schaefer2018 method to get the group parcellation with fs_LR_32k template on different HCP's data. But it's base on the fsaverage space as the paper said(Schaefer et al. 2018). I find prams.grad_prior using the file:"./lib/input/3_smooth_lh_borders_120_gordon_subjects_3_postsmoothing_6.mat" with fsaverage6: 6*40962 in each hemisphere. So I wonder how to get this file from other fMRI data. Is it using the gordon's boundary file to assign to the neighborhood nodes in fs_LR_32K? Looking forwards to your reply!

Yours, Lee