ThomasYeoLab / CBIG

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NAN values for vertices within VisCent parcel timeseries matrix #53

Open wjvlno opened 6 months ago

wjvlno commented 6 months ago

Hi CBIG Team,

I am working on extracting matrices of functional timeseries for all vertices within a given parcel (using the Schaefer & Yeo 400 region parcellation), and I have noticed that one parcel in particular (VisCent) contains NAN values for a number of vertices. I have encountered an older issue post noting that vertices along the medial wall may be listed as NAN, but I wanted to confirm whether this explains the NAN values within the VisCent parcel, or if this might be the result of a registration issue or perhaps the inclusion of off-brain data in the VisCent parcel.

All of my data have been preprocessed per the standard CBIG pipeline, and I am using a lightly modified version of the 'CBIG_ComputeROIs2ROIsCorrelationMatrix.m' function to extract and save the timeseries matrices in question.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.