ThomazPom / Moz-Ext-UltimaDark

Web Extension that uses agressive technique to get dark mode everywhere
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[NOT AN ISSUE] Test sites candidates #36

Open atomGit opened 6 months ago

atomGit commented 6 months ago

UltimaDark v1.5.42 Firefox Developer 123b4

recently added

Affecting all 1.5.x releases as of 1.5.33

fixed - [x] [text too dark]( - [x] [light background]( - [x] [light background in top section]( - [x] [light background]( - [x] [light page background]( - [x] [light background]( - [x] [background image color inverted, generally poor colors]( - [x] [default css doesn't always load]( - [x] [light background]( - [x] [green dots color is lost to white]( - [x] [text and background colors too close]( - [x] [default css doesn't always load (]( - [x] []( a bit of an oddity regarding how the background is processed, but not necessarily a problem
ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

This is very helpful, as i come here often, looking for urls with regression on old issues but it is a bit confused, as many issues are close and some are open etc.

Maybe a dedicated issue with checkboxes may help, i could check when fixed and uncheck on regression

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

I see this on this website image

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

This is a picture

atomGit commented 6 months ago

that's odd - the site looks fine to me to, even after reloading it several times

when i first visited, the text in the center column was too dark (just barely readable)

i'll fool around more tomorrow and see if i can dig up some more sites

and yes, you might want make dedicated/sticky issue where people can drop problem sites

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

Releasing a new version now

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

1.4.9 submited with a curious bug on

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago fixed in 1.4.10

atomGit commented 6 months ago

hi Thomaz - i added a "few" test cases in the first comment

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

This will help me a lot

atomGit commented 6 months ago

hey Thomaz - i got your invitation to collaborate on your project, but i'm not sure that would benefit you - i can't code and i'm not seeing how i could be of more value than by just submitting the occasional issue here and there

i'm open-minded though - let me know what you think

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

Hey atomGit, I think you could be very helpful especially in sorting out actual issues as i'm very bad at this 😂 - closing, renaming, or re-evaluating them.

atomGit commented 6 months ago

actually i prefer to have as little to do with microsoft-owned github as possible so i'm gonna decline the offer, but please don't take it personally - plus i'm not intimately familiar with how github works anyway

what you could do is create a new issue and pin it like you see at the very top of the issues on the arkenfox repo (how you do that, i don't know), then copy only the content from this issue that want to keep, then delete this issue - then when someone adds a test case, they'll have a single place to do so

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

Totally understand! No problem at all. If you ever change your mind do not hesitate ! I'm working on a very hard update of UltimaDark right now, it might take me some nights to get it right

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

Version 1.5.0 addresses structural issues that were the underlying cause of certain websites not fully darkening.

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

1.5.19 is a pretty decent iteration since your last testings :)

atomGit commented 6 months ago

hi Thomaz!

i've been testing each new version and i can see the improvement - looks like its shaping up very nicely

i updated the first post and moved the sites that are no longer presenting a problem into an 'old' list - i think you must have added the 'green dots color is lost to white' test case and i didn't see a problem with the colors so i moved it to the 'old' list - obviously you'll want to un-do that if indeed there's still a problem with github

one of the first tests i always do with each version is bitchute (1st on the list) and the site is always broken (css not loading) - this seems to be reproducible 100% of the time, but only when i load the site for the first time (i have firefox set to dump its cache on exit) - after that the css seems to load IF i close the tab load the site again in a new tab (or something like that)

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

1.5.21 was too buggy for a release, it was breaking so much websites i had to publish 1.5.22 as a rollback

Vintagemotors commented 6 months ago

atomGit commented 5 months ago

regarding my testing of v1.5.28 (see the newly added test cases in the OP), i have to say that i think UD is doing a pretty darn good job at this point - the problem is that there's so many edge cases with crappy html/css and that's to be expected, however these cases seem to be a minority

i think UD is on par, or better than my default extension, Dark Background and Light Text, and in many/most cases it works better regarding how the site appears to the eye

ThomazPom commented 5 months ago

I cannot overstate how much better will be the 1.5.29. I'm teasing, yeah but wait for it :)

atomGit commented 5 months ago - UD doesn't seem to have any effect here

ThomazPom commented 5 months ago is a legacy html4 website, 1.5.38 yet to be released aims to fix them