ThomazPom / Moz-Ext-UltimaDark

Web Extension that uses agressive technique to get dark mode everywhere
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Edit for clarity: dark blue is being changed to a medium purple in some cases ____________________ Formerly: Some websites exhibit purple section headers instead of white. #40

Closed Vintagemotors closed 6 months ago

Vintagemotors commented 6 months ago

Edit: is behaving as intended - I just couldn't see that the source color was a very dark purple. Example of issue: Example of expected behavior: Craigslist homepage also exhibits this: FTP sites appear to also exhibit this with their links being purple implying they have already been clicked instead of blue:

Let me know if I should close this and add a comment here

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

Thank you for pointing out this .

Texts on are in fact purple and one of UtilmaDark main goals is to respect the original theme of websites, i'ts why the equivalent color for studyabacus menu items is this light purple.

I will need to make a decision regarding such dark but colorized items, as generating pastel colors on dark backgrounds may not result in an aesthetically pleasing appearance.


Same behavoiur on craiglist image

Vintagemotors commented 6 months ago

image image Sorry, I should have been clearer when explaining the issue. Color target is the "S" in Los Angeles

Vintagemotors commented 6 months ago

I can see now for that their source color is a very dark purple, it just looked black on the monitor I was testing with. image image

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

As you know, each color is adjusted for better visibility. ( Often brighter for texts colors ) No brightening for this color may result in poor visibility, as illustrated below: image

Adding brightness to a pure blue ends feeling of purple if displayed on dark background, but in fact I't still a pure blue ( as red and green RGB value are equals)

Craigslist's blue : image

Craigslist's blue + 20 of lightness ( see the 87, 87 values for red and green ) image

Adding a bit of negative shift may help prevent the illusion, this may be a setting of UltimaDark ( see the 87, 171 values for red and green: It's not anymore a pure blue ) . This could be a very cool setting of UltimaDark image

About FTP links, as the text color transformation function shows. The more a text has a brightness far from 50% the more it gets brightened, from a minimum of 65%(A) of brightness up to 85%(B) of brightness( 100% of brightness on a black background is not very pleasant, but all of these values will be adjustable in uDark's panel). This is why originally darkened links ( like clicked ones, ends brightened like for FTP ) image

ThomazPom commented 6 months ago

I did very little experiment in the 1.5.21 about this

Adding brightness to a pure blue ends feeling of purple if displayed on dark background, but in fact I't still a pure blue ( as red and green RGB value are equals)

As far as i experienced, this annoying illusion happens only with blue text with increased luminance :

Green feels nice : image Red feels nice image Blue is still blue, but annoying to read as text on pure blue hue ( 240/360 = 0.666% ) image

In this experiment a blue-ish color (237.6 up to 259.2) gets lighten over 0.6, bellow illustrated experimental code will shift its hue by -0.06% = -21.6 of 360


Obtaining the following result : image Tell me what you think about this

Vintagemotors commented 6 months ago

I have no idea what is going on with Github right now but I can't see any of the images you attached here or my own, tested on 2 different devices and different Firefox and Chromium builds.

Vintagemotors commented 6 months ago

I did very little experiment in the 1.5.21 about this

It looks much better with the blue links! This is great for now but as you have mentioned and as was mentioned by another issue in the past, being able to define link replacement colors per page and globally would be a great feature for the future.

Embedding screenshot via Discord since it is still visible:

Vintagemotors commented 6 months ago

Closed because it has been aggregated here: