Thor77 / Blueproximity

Run a command once a bluetooth device is in/out of a range
GNU General Public License v2.0
66 stars 15 forks source link

Font become unreadable on small systemfont #33

Open Thor77 opened 8 years ago

Thor77 commented 8 years ago


not really a bug, but i suggest not to use "<small>Text</small>" in 285) If one use very small system fonts, as i do, this Text strings becomes barely readable. Please refer to the attached screen shot. I would also suggest, that formatting information stays out of the LANG files, so that changing formatting becomes more easily without generating new LANG.po files.

Just me 5ct. :-) I like your program very much.

best regards


Thor77 commented 8 years ago

Blueproximity Config dialog with very small font. Attached file: (By nobody)