Thorfusion / Mekanism-Community-Edition

An customized version of mekanism
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[BUG]: induction matrix/ industrial turbine rf overflow #180

Open RubilaxXxx opened 5 months ago

RubilaxXxx commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

when the matrix/turbine reach 2.14Grf, it overflow in negative causing "weird" interactions with others rf using mods. the multiblock display the correct energy looking in its GUI (the multiblocks still work as they should, the issue is how they interact when in negative rf)

tested using only mekanism core/generators & thermal expansion/foundation

To Reproduce

  1. make a turbine/matrix
  2. reach 2,14Grf
  3. connect any rf powered machines

Expected behavior

not to overflow

Mekanism Version


Minecraft Version is this regarding?


What OS are you seeing the problem on?


Name of modpack if applicable


Version of said modpack if applicable



Capture d’écran (263)

Capture d’écran (261)

The crash report in folder ./crash-reports (both server and client logs)


Please provide the following other files

No response

SrYthan commented 4 months ago

Probably the variable that stores the energy is of type Int, and its limit is 2147483647, and when this value is reached it starts counting qualities.