ThornTechPublic / InteractiveModal

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custom transition doesn't work when modal with transparent background #2

Closed chaiyixiao closed 8 years ago

chaiyixiao commented 8 years ago

I was trying to implement a transparent modal in my project referencing to your tutorial(Thanks for sharing: ] ), as it's doesn't cover full screen, In addition to destinationViewController.transitioningDelegate = self destinationViewController.interactor = interaction, I need to add self.definesPresentationContext = true(<- Important) destinationViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .OverCurrentContext in prepareForSegue for presentingViewController. However, then problem happened that transitioning delegate ( not to say interactor). I tried to search online, but still couldn't get a clue. Do you have any idea what might help?

Many thanks! Yixiao

chenr2 commented 8 years ago

Hi @chaiyixiao,

My understanding of the issue is that after setting .OverCurrentContext, the presenting view controller disappears and you get a black screen after you dismiss the modal. Is this correct?

I created a new branch that hopefully fixes the issue:


.OverFullScreen and .OverCurrentContext are certainly useful when making semi-transparent modals. And definesPresentationContext is useful in making sure the presenting VC stays on-screen.

But I think as soon as we take control of the transitioning animation, it's difficult to merge our custom implementation with whatever magic Apple is doing with each modal presentation style.

I was able to get the semi-transparent modal effect by doing the following:

The PresentAnimator does the following:

The key step is creating a snapshot of the fromVC. By default, the fromVC is removed at the end of a transition. But the snapshot gives the illusion that it's still there.

Note: I did not use .OverCurrentContext nor definesPresentationContext. I'm sure there's probably a better solution that leverages the use of .OverCurrentContext, but I don't know enough about what's going on behind the scenes to figure it out.

chaiyixiao commented 8 years ago

Hi @chenr2,

Thank you so much for your reply. Your way is simple and works perfectly. I was trying to hold the presentingView in AnimationController during dismissal, but the code got ugly :(

Thanks again : ]