ThornyFFXI / tTimers

Displays time remaining on buffs and debuffs you've cast, as well as the recast timers for your spells and abilities.
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link

Recast animation jumpy #18

Open GetAwayCoxn opened 2 months ago

GetAwayCoxn commented 2 months ago

Ive been messing about with a test account and noticed a quirk with the recast animation. Hard to describe but was able to catch it on video (shitty phone video sorry), curious to know if anything can/should be done to prevent the timers jumping back and forth when the time remaining is so close.

ThornyFFXI commented 2 months ago

It has pretty decent precision (1/60 sec), so that should be an extremely rare case. I'm not sure why it'd jump back and forth, but it's sourcing directly from the client so that would come down to how the client is representing the times. I'll have to look into it, but I don't think it's likely to be a widespread issue.

GetAwayCoxn commented 2 months ago

Fair enough, I wanted to at least bring it to your attention and hear your thoughts. I do not have any accurate data but I can say that in about 4 hours last night testing other non related stuff I noticed it exactly 6 times, so rare but not that rare? It was mostly showing up when using Fight (short recast and spammed a lot more of course) and it finally happened with ja's with long enough recasts that I could get some evidence of it. I would think that if this was happening a lot though that someone would have mentioned it on discord at least, so as you said, probably not widespread issue.

ThornyFFXI commented 2 months ago

Certainly more often than expected if it were an even distribution. I will have to look into it further, it wouldnt be hard to sort timers within .2s of each other by name as a secondary, but that might cause the same issue if they fluctuate from within .2s to not. Might need to do some sort of cacheing on recast if the games timer varies.