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SClocoLib setupLOCOmodel returns RINGData renamed LOCOmodel #17

Closed oscarxblanco closed 2 years ago

oscarxblanco commented 2 years ago

Dear all,

the function library SClocoLib uses the name LOCOmodel for the LOCO structure RINGData. This is misleading because LOCO uses the same name (in camel case) with a different content.

LocoModel = struct('M',[], 'OutlierIndex',[], 'Eta',[], 'EtaOutlierIndex',[], ...
                   'SValues',[], 'SValuesIndex',[], 'ChiSquare',[]);

The function setupLOCOmodel in SClocoLib in fact returns the expected LOCO content of RINGData.

>> RINGData
RINGData = 
  struct with fields:
     CavityFrequency: 3.5234e+08
    CavityHarmNumber: 416
             Lattice: {3090×1 cell}

One posible solution is to rename LOCOmodel to RINGData in the SClocoLib library and the SC documentation.

ThorstenHellert commented 2 years ago

Thanks! I have updated the code