I am using classing load balancer for which I am using aws.elb. config elements in eb_deployer.yml file. I want to create ALB instead of ELB and so trying to use aws.elbv2. . This one is not working, it is still creating classic LB with default port 80. How do I trigger creating ALB instead of ELB Any help?
Search for Application Load Balancer Namespaces. There's doc for how to add an ebextension file, but I'm pretty sure you could just add it to the option_settings in eb_config.yml.
I am using classing load balancer for which I am using aws.elb. config elements in eb_deployer.yml file. I want to create ALB instead of ELB and so trying to use aws.elbv2. . This one is not working, it is still creating classic LB with default port 80. How do I trigger creating ALB instead of ELB Any help?