Thrax989 / SWGFlurry

SWG Flurry is a Starwars Galaxies server utilizing the SWGEmu Core3 Emulator.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2 stars 12 forks source link

Build failed #447

Closed shoted45 closed 6 years ago

shoted45 commented 6 years ago

Been trying to build the server for a while now and I keep getting this error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors Makefile:8196: recipe for target 'server/zone/objects/tangible/component/lightsaber/LightsaberCrystalComponentImplementation.o' failed make[3]: [server/zone/objects/tangible/component/lightsaber/LightsaberCrystalComponentImplementation.o] Error 1 make[3]: Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/vagrant/Desktop/swg new/MMOCoreORB/build/unix/src' Makefile:426: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed make[2]: [all-recursive] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/vagrant/Desktop/swg new/MMOCoreORB/build/unix' Makefile:367: recipe for target 'all' failed make[1]: [all] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/vagrant/Desktop/swg new/MMOCoreORB/build/unix' Makefile:57: recipe for target 'build' failed make: *** [build] Error 2

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

are you using the engine that is in this repo's directory? we are still using publish 9,

Deleting your MMOCoreORB / MMOEngine folders and replacing it with ours works just fine would need to do a full build after make config make clean make idl make build

shoted45 commented 6 years ago

Hey Thrax thanks for the reply, yes I am using the files from your repo. I am deleting everything out of the folders that ZonamaDev creates and then trying to rebuild with the files from here. I am assuming that this can work over the ZonamaDev VM base? I've tried to build through EmuYoda server control, and directly using the terminal commands

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

I have it working just fine on my test server that uses Zonama, in order for it to work tho I had to delete the "Scripts" Folder since it has scripts that auto-update screwing up the engine build.

shoted45 commented 6 years ago

That may be the issue, I'll give that a shot on a fresh build of ZonamaDev after my Data cap resets in a couple days.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

Ok, So I am having issues with SWGFlurry as well building after several attempts. I am trying to get a content rich server, I can play with my kids.

My process has been this......

pull ZonamaDev VM via GitBash complete setup except building powerdown VM change to 8gb ram and 4 cores with bridged adaptor powered VM back on deleted Core3 and Engine delete /home/vagrant/ZonamaDev/fasttrack/scripts/ Download all required files for SWGFlurry Move SWGFlurry Core3 and Engine to respective folders -In Terminal cd /home/vagrant/workspace/Core3/MMOCoreORB make config make clean make idl make build

This is the furthest I have made it with the new error being

Makefile:8196: recipe for target 'server/zone/managers/player/PlayerManagerImplementation.o' failed make[3]: [server/zone/managers/player/PlayerManagerImplementation.o] Error 1 make[3]: Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/vagrant/workspace/Core3/MMOCoreORB/build/unix/src' Makefile:426: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed make[2]: [all-recursive] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/vagrant/workspace/Core3/MMOCoreORB/build/unix' Makefile:367: recipe for target 'all' failed make[1]: [all] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/vagrant/workspace/Core3/MMOCoreORB/build/unix' Makefile:57: recipe for target 'build' failed make: *** [build] Error 2

All instances are both Master and Publish9. I have referred to several guides from SWGMTG and SWGEMU as well as your Git... unfortunatlly not sure where my hang up is. Any advice is welcome. I hope I included enough detail for anyone to know what is going on.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

You need to copy and paste into the folder and overwrite that engine. Then do your build

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Ill see if this weekend if I can get a fully compiled Image uploaded so you guys can just download the image and run the server with all the files in order, ill update the guides on here as well, Sorry about that. Ill make a video guide as well just need to put the time together.

If you have any other questions about the current server build or anything involved in the code you can always ask me here as well.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

I just did a full rebuild with the engine as long as you copy and paste the linux64 Lib Over the Unix Lib then do a complete build it works just fine .

Gargash commented 6 years ago

Did as Advised still no dice also changed permissions to ensure that wasn't an issue this error is present on pub9 and master FYI

build fail

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Let me Rebuild my SRC to make sure that its all error free, I may have forgotten to update/push some fix's from my local. I'll reply once I've fully rebuilt.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

Awesome. I understand code some, but if I don't have to find the error when you already have, why redo work when I can contribute constructively.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

My last commit should fix it Ill push it to Master branch now.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Yea my fault, Ill make sure "Master" is stable from now on, been working on a few things last 2 weeks forgot to merge some of the fix's that I left out from my last pull request.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

Its all good... I'm digging all your work. Hats off adding content to make it super rich in content. Did a Git Clone, Del, Replaced with new pull.. and still an error in saber crystals....... build fail new master

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

For some reason editing comments did not inform me that you replied, Ill take a look now one moment I am still actually rebuilding so I should be caught up soon to you, Yea recently I added in a bunch of new jedi stuff I will push the last bit of fix's here in a few once I've caught up with my rebuild.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

that Not check should work just fine I have the same one and just built just fine, if you scroll up are there any other errors? try make build and see if it shows any other errors.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

Did a full suite of makes, Terminal output attached. Looking over it myself, as well. Had to edit the terminal preferences for good output. New Text Document.txt

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Try and manually download the repo, click the green button clone/download Download the files as a zip. On your dev environment open up downloads folder then right click the file and extract to that location. open that folder up and copy the SRC only. go to you main core3/MMOCoreORB folder then delete your SRC folder and replace it with the manual downloaded one. Then try a full rebuild make config make clean make idl make build Trying to see if the git pull messed something up since it works just fine for me and the code error is correct on my side.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

still same error after pull

../../../src/server/zone/objects/tangible/component/lightsaber/LightsaberCrystalComponentImplementation.cpp:405:28: error: logical not is only applied to the left hand side of comparison [-Werror=logical-not-parentheses] if (!jedi->getJediState() >= 1) { ^~

at a loss cause code looks right

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

did you manually do the above or just a git pull?

Gargash commented 6 years ago

Manually downloaded this time.... No git pull.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Codes correct works fine on my end , Try and remove the "Not" function from jedi "!" remove that and build

Gargash commented 6 years ago

I removed the "!" from if (!jedi->getJediState() >= 1) on line 405, to (jedi->getJediState() >= 1).... all calls I see reference object "jedi" without "!". it went past but is now erroring on

/src/server/zone/managers/combat/CombatManager.cpp:1585:2: error: this ‘if’ clause does not guard... [-Werror=misleading-indentation] if (defender->isKnockedDown())

Gargash commented 6 years ago

changed if (defender->isKnockedDown()) damage *= 1.5f; to

if (defender->isKnockedDown())
    damage *= 1.5;
Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

I just checked that line of code as well and it's correct, I don't get any of these errors you must have something installed on your dev box that's different than mine. Remove that section of code in the combat manager and keep building. We can resolve the errors later once you're fully built.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Ah your on debian 9 stretch with the updated dependencies I'm using older Publish 9 Zomna with the older deb 8 I don't have up to date dependencies like you. Ill upgrade to stretch once publish 10 is stable but currently I'm on older files. Hence the older Engine builds as well.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

I get it...... I'm looking how to pull ZonamaDev 1.4 for it to work now.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

So you know, to get the base environment your using release 1.4, the command in Git Bash is vagrant init zonama/zonamadev-deb-jessie --box-version 1.4.5 then vagrant up Took me a while to get working as the ZonamaDev curl command for release 1.4 is for old setup doesn't work with newer version of vagrant. might help for instructions to setup. Will Report back after build on Deb 8.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

im uploading the Dev import of the image with snapshot its pretty huge 36 gigs compressed to 17 need to test it then upload it, has all the tres, and database /sql data-tables ready to go all freshly built ill upload it once i test it and i know it works.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Works 100% fine, builds, starts up and acts like a fresh new server all you do when its imported is create your new account then log into the server under as your local to play Ill reply by once its uploaded.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Still working on a few things before I upload first Build ill reply once its ready for download.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

Sweet man... So I'll just wait.. I'm patient.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Wont be to much longer, Just waiting for it to upload now. Its pretty simple you download the Image then import it into Virtual box then start and play. Ill write up a quick guide as well on the read me . Thanks for being patient.

ETA on upload is 5-6 hours its going slow.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

see you revised the info... was looking for a link... awesome work FYI... I` had learned most of them from memory of repetition... on top of making notes in case i have to revisit.... but you have it most of it here. Can't wait for all the custom content, Fiance' is excited as she has seen me spend the last week and a half try and figure this out before actually asking for any assistance. Thanks for all your work too.. as stated previously I understand code, went to school for Game Systems Development though have never gotten to use it in any capacity in Missouri.

Edit: Also like the tre files as a zip better. easier to distribute.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Just got it ll done the image is in the read me now along with a few notes on how to use it all.!GORAASyZ!Pg0IoC_trmPq39dsY4KIBcjHADC0-Fu-vOFkhYywJqY

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

When you start the image you can add your new account and password using the yoda GUI. after that its best to do everything manually I don't really like the GUI its pretty slow. Server is pretty straight forward to start up and run from that point on using terminal. If you run into any problems let me know I can assist. Some system on the server may need to be disabled or enabled if you need help with that as well i can help.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

With the Clone image its a brand new server so give it time to load up it loads up all 35 new planets, It has to write the Navi mesh for each one so takes a tiny bit of time the first time booting up , it also writes the new databases for your server as well, I already tested and everything works just fine. Few updates will need to be rolled out later to make it perfect since I've been testing a few things over the month but once i finish that server will be error free, nothing major just a few unit test for string names need to be updated.

I added more stuff to the notes admin commands and commands to start server ect ect.

Server is set up to run on local you can upgrade it to be public if you wanted as well.

Should be good to go if you run into anything reply here so i can fix it or address it.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

gotcha 7 min on the download... then i'll fire and report back.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

One thing I noticed you will need to increase the 2 gigs of ram to a bit more if you want to run all 35 planets, i bumped it up to 8 gigs and works fine,

You may get a SQL DB error if so you will need to import the account IP table into my sql workbench using the import option once you do that you would need to import the missing table you would need to add the Account_ips.sql

In version 02 ill have everything up to date.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

amazingly, it ran v1, no errors, building nav meshs now... I always give it 8 GB JIC, also bump cores to 4. Having 32GB ram makes it so I never worry about ram, lol.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Nice, once it says core initialized your good to go for logging in.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Few messages will spam often since a few things still have logging enabled for testing nothing to worry about if you see a message spit out multiple times.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

Not worried about output server side ATM... how do i initiate a IP change... isn't it in Db and a config file?

zdcfg set-flag ? Something like that?

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

Mysql workbench under the Galaxy table

Gargash commented 6 years ago

slaps forehead duh, i'm a real goof sometimes.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

i get to connecting to galaxy after selecting a galaxy screen and hang on connecting...... all i did was change it to an internal IP as i have 12 machines in the house that connect in various ways... all i changed was ip scheme to in the galaxy table and got nothing after 10 min.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

I have not attempted to make the Vm public yet, I just run it locally on Lan with might need to check ports, Firewall or the bridge connection.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

bridged connection has worked previously... im sure there is another area in a config that has it directed wrong and needs to be changed as well... Same case in a WoW server... there is a config and a DB IP entry.. I might hope on IRC and ask... why i suggested zdcfg as it changes whats required... i'lll start breaking it down and let you know.

Gargash commented 6 years ago

I totally understand what you are saying now.... I forgot im not working with an individual machine via VNC... its VM lmao. So if I change it from a bridged to NAT, again, then I can just use my machines local IP on the LAN with other machines too... correct?

also run no firewall or antivirus and turned off windows entirely... and I'm not working outside my home IP class 4 scheme of 192.168.1.x but all machines are on the same subnet.

Thrax989 commented 6 years ago

anyone at the house can connect to if its running off of local. Update your login file before launching the client.