Threagile / threagile

Agile Threat Modeling Toolkit
MIT License
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Add a way to express proxy connections #15

Open Skyr opened 3 years ago

Skyr commented 3 years ago

It would be great to show communication links passing through proxies - e.g. by adding a "via" field (or even list) to the communication_links entries.

cschneider4711 commented 3 years ago

Yep, that's something useful for reverse proxies or stuff like that...

There's already something like that in the queue to have a technical component act like a transparent element in risk analysis. Ideas exist for being able to have "n" incoming communication links to a reverse-proxy (or WAF) like thing and then "m" connections outgoing but still being able to address what input leads to what specific output connection.

Current state is: haven't fully thought through about how to add this seamless and intuitively (for the user) to the model, but will post some ideas soon (currently prepping a conference talk about Threagile) and look forward for feedback then.