Threagile / threagile

Agile Threat Modeling Toolkit
MIT License
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Fixes #2: Adds encryption types list to -list-types CLI output #3

Closed scottbrown closed 3 years ago

scottbrown commented 3 years ago

This PR adds the missing encryption types output from the -list-types CLI option. It fixes issue #2 .

New Output

I opted to put the encryption output higher up in the -list-types output (below Criticality) to make it ordered more alphabetically (without touching the other outputs). This should make it easier for others to find when scanning the list.

$ go build main.go
$ ./main -list-types

  _____ _                          _ _
 |_   _| |__  _ __ ___  __ _  __ _(_) | ___
   | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \/ _` |/ _` | | |/ _ \
   | | | | | | | |  __/ (_| | (_| | | |  __/
   |_| |_| |_|_|  \___|\__,_|\__, |_|_|\___|
Threagile - Agile Threat Modeling

Docker Images:
License: Open-Source (MIT License)
Version: 1.0.0 ()

The following types are available (can be extended for custom rules):

  Quantity: [very-few few many very-many]

  Confidentiality: [public internal restricted confidential strictly-confidential]

  Criticality (for integrity and availability): [archive operational important critical mission-critical]

  Encryption: [none transparent data-with-symmetric-shared-key data-with-asymmetric-shared-key data-with-enduser-individual-key]

  Technical Asset Type: [external-entity process datastore]

  Technical Asset Size: [system service application component]

  Authorization: [none technical-user enduser-identity-propagation]

  Authentication: [none credentials session-id token client-certificate two-factor externalized]

  Usage: [business devops]

  Data Format: [json xml serialization file csv]

  Protocol: [unknown-protocol http https ws wss reverse-proxy-web-protocol reverse-proxy-web-protocol-encrypted mqtt jdbc jdbc-encrypted odbc odbc-encrypted sql-access-protocol sql-access-protocol-encrypted nosql-access-protocol nosql-access-protocol-encrypted binary binary-encrypted text text-encrypted ssh ssh-tunnel smtp smtp-encrypted pop3 pop3-encrypted imap imap-encrypted ftp ftps sftp scp ldap ldaps jms nfs smb smb-encrypted local-file-access nrpe xmpp iiop iiop-encrypted jrmp jrmp-encrypted in-process-library-call container-spawning]

  Technical Asset Technology: [unknown-technology client-system browser desktop mobile-app devops-client web-server web-application application-server database file-server local-file-system erp cms web-service-rest web-service-soap ejb search-index search-engine service-registry reverse-proxy load-balancer build-pipeline sourcecode-repository artifact-registry code-inspection-platform monitoring ldap-server container-platform batch-processing event-listener identity-provider identity-store-ldap identity-store-database tool cli task function gateway iot-device message-queue stream-processing service-mesh data-lake big-data-platform report-engine ai mail-server vault hsm waf ids ips scheduler mainframe block-storage library]

  Technical Asset Machine: [physical virtual container serverless]

  Trust Boundary Type: [network-on-prem network-dedicated-hoster network-virtual-lan network-cloud-provider network-cloud-security-group network-policy-namespace-isolation execution-environment]

  Data Loss Probability: [improbable possible probable]

  Risk Severity: [low medium elevated high critical]

  Risk Exploitation Likelihood: [unlikely likely very-likely frequent]

  Risk Exploitation Impact: [low medium high very-high]

  Risk Function: [business-side architecture development operations]

  Risk Status: [unchecked in-discussion accepted in-progress mitigated false-positive]

  STRIDE: [spoofing tampering repudiation information-disclosure denial-of-service elevation-of-privilege]
cschneider4711 commented 3 years ago

Cool, thx for adding the output to the -list-types result! Also ordering it (even better the whole output) alphabetically makes absolute sense.