ThreeMammals / Ocelot

.NET API Gateway
MIT License
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#749 Bad error handling for IOException while reading incoming request body #1749

Closed ks1990cn closed 11 months ago

ks1990cn commented 11 months ago

Fixes #749

For example:

builder.WebHost.UseHttpSys(options =>
    options.MaxRequestBodySize = 60000000;

Above code have MaxRequestBodySizeconfigured manually (default is ~28.6MB), so changes will handle this case too.

Proposed Changes

raman-m commented 11 months ago

Tanmay, The issue #729 is about sticky sessions! Are you sure your PR is related to #729 ? It seems the number is wrong...

raman-m commented 11 months ago

I found it! The issue is #749 😺

ks1990cn commented 11 months ago

I found it! The issue is #749 😺

Sorry! correct its 749. Thank you

ggnaegi commented 11 months ago

@ks1990cn @raman-m Hello, I took now a bit of time to create an acceptance test, and I realized that the implementation is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too complicated (and it's impossible to get the KestrelServer from IServer, because you will get KestrelServerImpl first). Kestrel and other servers will return you a BadHttpRequestException with status code 413. So the issue here, is that the exception is wrapped and hidden in the UnmappableRequestError. A rethinking of the exception handling is needed... By the way TestServer doesn't support MaxRequestBodySize.

The issue here can easily be fixed with:

catch (BadHttpRequestException badHttpRequest)
                return badHttpRequest.StatusCode == 413 ? new ErrorResponse<HttpRequestMessage>(new PayloadTooLargeError(badHttpRequest)) : new ErrorResponse<HttpRequestMessage>(new UnmappableRequestError(badHttpRequest));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new ErrorResponse<HttpRequestMessage>(new UnmappableRequestError(ex));

Again, it's only a patch, imho, the exception should bubble up to a central exception handler. The acceptance test:

        public void should_return_status_413_when_exceeding_body_max_size()
            var port = RandomPortFinder.GetRandomPort();

            var configuration = new FileConfiguration
                Routes = new List<FileRoute>
                        DownstreamPathTemplate = "/",
                        UpstreamPathTemplate = "/",
                        UpstreamHttpMethod = new List<string> { "Post" },
                        DownstreamHostAndPorts = new List<FileHostAndPort>
                                Host = "localhost",
                                Port = port,
                        DownstreamScheme = "http",

            this.Given(x => x.GivenThereIsAServiceRunningOnNoExceptions($"http://localhost:{port}"))
                .And(x => _steps.GivenThereIsAConfiguration(configuration))
                .And(x => _steps.GivenOcelotIsRunningOnKestrelWithCustomBodyMaxSize(1024))
                .When(x => _steps.WhenIPostUrlOnTheApiGateway("/", new ByteArrayContent(File.ReadAllBytes(@"super_file.txt"))))
                .Then(x => _steps.ThenTheStatusCodeShouldBe(413))

Kestrel Server Implementation

public void GivenOcelotIsRunningOnKestrelWithCustomBodyMaxSize(long customBodyMaxSize)
             var kestrelServer = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
                .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
                    webBuilder.UseKestrel().ConfigureKestrel((_, options) =>
                            options.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = customBodyMaxSize;
                        .ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostingContext, config) =>
                            var env = hostingContext.HostingEnvironment;
                            config.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: false)
                                .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: false);
                            config.AddJsonFile(_ocelotConfigFileName, optional: true, reloadOnChange: false);
                        .ConfigureServices(s =>
                        .Configure(app =>
                            app.Use(async (_, next) =>
                                await next.Invoke();

             _ocelotClient = new HttpClient
                 BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:5001"),
raman-m commented 11 months ago

Guys, who is our hero? I'll get back to this funny thread after current release... Keep conversation ongoing! ✌️😁

ggnaegi commented 11 months ago

Guys, who is our hero? I'll get back to this funny thread after current release... Keep conversation ongoing! ✌️😁

Well, not really. I'm just tired of this $%^%&*% error handling. @ks1990cn @raman-m tadaaaaam...

ks1990cn commented 11 months ago

Ah! didn't noticed that it already gives 413 in exception, I remember it was giving me 404 only (Maybe I didn't noticed right). Correct it can be done directly. If you are ready @ggnaegi, you can go ahead. Converting it to draft. Thanks for taking look @ggnaegi .

raman-m commented 10 months ago

Open.. close... open... close... I'm going crazy with you guys 😃 What is a follow up after closing this PR? What is the result? The bug #749 is still open. And I'm late to review 🤣