ThreeSixtyGiving / Insights

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What happens when a file is updated? #123

Closed drkane closed 5 years ago

drkane commented 5 years ago

Describe the process - check how it's decided to use a cached or non-cached version of file

drkane commented 5 years ago

File is cached (forever?) based on the file id.

The file id for files fetched from URLs is based on the URL of the request, plus either the Etag or Last-Modified header from the HTTP request for the file.

When either the URL, ETag or Last-Modified value is change, the fileid will be different so the cache won't be used.

drkane commented 5 years ago


KDuerden commented 5 years ago

Are etag or last modified metadata or are these things that the publisher updates?

ETA - as discussed this is provided by the publisher website, so will depend on their settings. Having checked known examples these seem to be updating. I'll keep an eye out for any exceptions.