"If a publishers data has the 1 year and/or 3 month badges in This data includes these features section, they are also repeated in the This data does not include these features section too.
fixing hint: This is likely because the date calculation isn't a simple true/false evaluation so logical condition is evaluating the presence of the date delta output rather than it being in a range.
"If a publishers data has the 1 year and/or 3 month badges in This data includes these features section, they are also repeated in the This data does not include these features section too.
https://qualitydashboard.threesixtygiving.org/publisher/360G-ATJF https://qualitydashboard.threesixtygiving.org/publisher/360G-tnlcomfund
(via @KDuerden )
fixing hint: This is likely because the date calculation isn't a simple true/false evaluation so logical condition is evaluating the presence of the date delta output rather than it being in a range.