ThreeSixtyGiving / standard

The 360Giving data standard for UK philanthropic giving
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Package metadata (2021 branch) #295

Closed Bjwebb closed 3 years ago

Bjwebb commented 3 years ago

This is a newer branch, with similar content to

KDuerden commented 3 years ago

Hi @drkane

The metadata update approved by Standard Stewardship Committee with changes to the schema and documentation have been prepared in this pull request.

The changes agreed can be found here in the Peer Review paper - here

The changes are visible in these sections of the branch:

I have checked this and believe it is ready to be merged into the Standard, with two variations from what was originally agreed. The Type values and Array text in the two tables have been generated automatically from the package schema. This means they can't be edited to follow exactly what drafted in the Peer Review document. There is some learning for us here.

A part the agreed process is "A member of the committee will verify that the changes approved in this document have been faithfully applied to the schema and documentation prior to the changes being released as a MINOR upgrade."

Hence the request to get you to review and approve.

Any questions of concerns let me know. Thank you!

stevieflow commented 3 years ago

Thanks @drkane - I've raised new issues to capture those aspects

@KDuerden it seems all is now in place to merge and move forward, but just wanted to get your nod , first of all!

KDuerden commented 3 years ago

@KDuerden it seems all is now in place to merge and move forward, but just wanted to get your nod , first of all!

Yes please go ahead.