ThreeSixtyGiving / standard

The 360Giving data standard for UK philanthropic giving
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Update spreadsheet template with DEI extension #381

Closed neelima-j closed 3 months ago

neelima-j commented 4 months ago
KDuerden commented 3 months ago
  • Template file has not been renamed or replaced in case it is linked in multiple places

Thank you for this. However I need a separate template which includes the DEI data fields. The file as linked above is the template that people download from the 360Giving Data Standard pages will include non-standard DEI fields. As they aren't in the DEI section and may not know anything about this, this could be confusing. That template needs to be strictly based on 360Giving Data Standard and Package schema field.

Could you instead update the template - 360-giving-schema-titles-with-meta-tab-2023.xlsx - to include the new Extensions field in the Meta sheet.

The file you have prepared looks good, so this needs to be uploaded with a new name, eg - 360-giving-schema-titles-with-dei-extension-2024.xlsx, which we will then link for download from the DEI Extension guidance pages.

Apologies for not being clear about this before.

neelima-j commented 3 months ago

@KDuerden Ready for review:

KDuerden commented 3 months ago

@KDuerden Ready for review:

  • 360-giving-schema-titles-with-meta-tab-2023.xlsx now has the updated meta sheet and no DEIdetails sheet.
  • 360-giving-schema-titles-with-dei-extension-2024.xlsx contains DEIdetails

Thank you for doing this. I have an extra request. Excel has a nasty and annoying habit of opening with the last sheet open showing.

In the updated version of 360-giving-schema-titles-with-meta-tab-2023.xlsx this means the file opens up in the Transactions sheet, which is basically empty apart from the Identifier field. Can you resave and upload with the Meta sheet in view when saved that way people downloading it will see a more meaningful (and less confusing) view when they open it for the first time.

Apologies for the extra step needed.

neelima-j commented 3 months ago

Thanks @KDuerden I fixed it manually. (I had a look to see if we can make the Meta tab the default automatically - it can be done with a macro, but several companies disable macros, so this is not a viable solution.)

KDuerden commented 3 months ago

thanks @neelima-j that is great. Much appreciated. Happy for this to go live when you're ready.