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Switch to new data registry from the CRM #64

Closed timgdavies closed 8 years ago

timgdavies commented 8 years ago

We are moving over to a registry of data coming from in data.json format.

I've adapted an existing plugin I'd written to the one below which will grab data from that endpoint, and output it into the same sort of table we have now.

If caches for 60 minutes via Wordpress transients API and works in a single API call.

This will place the table wherever the [datasets] shortcode is placed in a post.

It can be adapted so that attributes can be passed to it in future.

* Plugin Name: ThreeSixtyGiving Data
* Description: Display a list of datasets based on data.json format
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Tim Davies
* Author URI:

// Example 1 : WP Shortcode to display form on any page or post.
function list_datasets($atts, $content=null) {

        $datasets = get_transient( 'dcat-json-data' );
        if ( false === $datasets ) {
                $datasets = wp_remote_get("");
                set_transient( 'dcat-json-data', $datasets,60*60);
        $dataset_list = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($datasets));
        print '<table class="data-table tablesorter"><thead><tr><th class="sortless {sorter: false}">Logo</th><th class="header headerSortUp">Organisation</th><th class="header">Data</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
        foreach($dataset_list as $dataset) {
            print '<tr>';
            if($dataset->publisher->logo != "") {
                print '<td class="logo-cell"><img src="'.$dataset->publisher->logo.'" width="150" height="150", alt="'.$dataset->publisher->name.' logo"/></td>';
            } else {
                print '<td class="logo-cell">&nbsp;</td>';
            print '<td class="logo-cell">'.$dataset->publisher->name.'</td>';
            print '<td class="logo-cell">'.$dataset->publisher->name.':<br/><a href="'.$dataset->distribution[0]->downloadURL.'">'.$dataset->distribution[0]->title.'</a></td>';
            print '</tr>';
        print '</tbody></table>';
add_shortcode('datasets', 'list_datasets');
caprenter commented 8 years ago

This is now in the live site