ThreeTAG / Palladium

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Modpack (1.20.1, Forge 47.3.0) crashing on launch due to Palladium #121

Closed swtbsl closed 3 weeks ago

swtbsl commented 3 weeks ago

Using a custom modpack I made for Minecraft 1.20.1 on Forge 47.3.0, and the modpack crashes on launch/while loading. I removed Palladium and the modpack loaded fine. However, Palladium is required to run one of the key mods in the modpack. Is there something I can do to stop my game from crashing while keeping palladium?

Lucraft commented 3 weeks ago

Send the crash report, cant help otherwise

swtbsl commented 3 weeks ago

crash-2024-06-10_12.09.14-fml.txt latest.log

here's the crash report (there have been several crashes today with various issues as i've been messing around with mod stuff, the most recent one/ones are the crashes i'm talking abt) and the lates.log

also thanks for the quick response, i appreciate it

Lucraft commented 3 weeks ago

That crash isnt Palladium-related:

Failure message: Mod chestlock requires storagedrawers any Currently, storagedrawers is not installed

swtbsl commented 3 weeks ago

that was an earlier crash that i already fixed, the most recent crashes have been palladium related (at least it seems like it, as when i removed palladium it functioned fine, and after i reinstalled palladium it started crashing again). sorry for the lack of clarity

Lucraft commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah, but do you have a crash report of those recent crashes? Because that one is not from Palladium

swtbsl commented 3 weeks ago

that's the most recent crash report i can find in the modpack folder, i'm not sure why the most recent crashes aren't there. does the latest.log have any information that helps at all?

Lucraft commented 3 weeks ago

Nope :/ Maybe try to wipe your logs and crash-reports folder, then start the game again

swtbsl commented 3 weeks ago

wipe as in delete all the crash reports/logs?

Lucraft commented 3 weeks ago


swtbsl commented 3 weeks ago

tried it again today, and it is no longer crashing, no clear reason why it's working now. thanks for helping me tho, i appreciate it