ThreeTAG / Palladium

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Modpack (1.20.1, Forge 47.3.0) crashing on launch due to Palladium (same issue, closed original issue too early) #122

Open swtbsl opened 2 weeks ago

swtbsl commented 2 weeks ago

Using a custom modpack I made for Minecraft 1.20.1 on Forge 47.3.0, and the modpack crashes on launch/while loading. I removed Palladium and the modpack loaded fine. However, Palladium is required to run one of the key mods in the modpack. Is there something I can do to stop my game from crashing while keeping palladium? When the game crashes, no crash report is created. I've wiped the logs and crash reports folders to no avail.

I already submitted this issue once but closed the issue too soon as the game was functioning (this turned out to be a fluke). I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your time.

Lucraft commented 2 weeks ago

Can you send an updated version of your latest.log file

swtbsl commented 2 weeks ago

latest.log here is my most recent latest.log

thank you for putting up with my stupidity lol

Lucraft commented 2 weeks ago

Does your Minecraft even work with just Palladium installed? Really clueless here lol

swtbsl commented 2 weeks ago

works fine with just palladium

sorry i'm not giving much to work with, i'm pretty clueless too lol

Lucraft commented 2 weeks ago

Eeehhh, are there any other log files in your log folder which you could provide? Taking anything now, dont know what else to look for

swtbsl commented 2 weeks ago

Would it be helpful for me to just send the modpack as a zip?

Lucraft commented 1 week ago
