ThreeTAG / Palladium

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Adding Abilities & Conditions #2

Open Lucraft opened 2 years ago

Lucraft commented 2 years ago


New Ones

From ThreeCore

From LucraftCore

From HeroesExpansion

From SpeedsterHeroes


New Ones

From ThreeCore

From LucraftCore

Nexominer commented 1 year ago

Possibly a “hidden” option or something along those lines for powers which would cause then to not show in the superpower ability gui with other powers this would be useful for item powers which you don’t want being seen

Nexominer commented 1 year ago

The punch damage ability from lucraft that increases the players punch damage and nothing else

Nexominer commented 1 year ago

Possibly a basic rotation ability that would set set a limb to 1 rotation smt like this “Palladium:rotation” “Limb”: “left_arm” “X”: “null” “Y”: “null” “z”: “null” “First_person”: “true” “Third_person”: “false” “Lock_rotation”: “true” “Lock_punch_anim”: “true”

ThePhantomPig791 commented 1 year ago

( @Nexominer I agree, just without that capitalization lmao )

Nexominer commented 1 year ago

Ye lol was doing it on mobile

ThePhantomPig791 commented 1 year ago

(This got kinda buried in the discord lmao, so I'm putting it here) Could we get a condition that's true on an interval? For example, t's false for x ticks, then it's true for x ticks, then it repeats? (and imo the `ticks` part is kind of important so we can have precise loops or delays)

And a restrict armor ability, something like:

 "type": "palladium:restrict_armor",
 "slots": [

...which would prevent the player from equipping anything in the chest slot or back slot. And maybe there could also be a way to filter which items can be equipped or not? (and I just noticed, this seems a lot like the "drop armor" ability you've above, so maybe these could be incorporated into one and have these slots also drop their contents? and maybe with a bool for dropping on the ground vs into your inventory?)

Spyeedy commented 1 year ago

(This got kinda buried in the discord lmao, so I'm putting it here) Could we get a condition that's true on an interval? For example, t's false for x ticks, then it's true for x ticks, then it repeats? (and imo the ticks part is kind of important so we can have precise loops or delays)

I think an important question to ask is, when should the condition run to start "counting" the ticks?

ThePhantomPig791 commented 1 year ago

when should the condition run to start "counting" the ticks? As soon as the ability needs to check the condition, I guess? Unless you're asking if it should start on false or true, which wouldn't matter because you could always just invert the condition

And Lucas, could we also please get a particle ability that would display a given particle (probably with similar parameters to those in the /particle command) but with options for being visible/not visible in first/third person?

Nexominer commented 1 year ago

An ability that lets you see entities through walls (maybe options to add blocks to blacklist)

Nexominer commented 1 year ago

An ability that allows the player to break blocks with there hand would have Parameters like tool type Ie axe, shovel ( determines what blocks have increased mining speed), and pickaxe would have a mining level Ex iron, stone ect self explanatory

Generally would be a very very use-full ability for many heroes

Nexominer commented 1 year ago

The inverse of the immune ability, an ability that increases damage to a damage source

Nexominer commented 1 year ago

A phasing ability with an “on_ground” option

Nexominer commented 1 year ago

Possible a new variable for the key bind condition being Double tap, and possibly a foward key, backward key, left key and right key

Nexominer commented 1 year ago

A condition for if an ability is on cooldown

Nexominer commented 5 months ago

A new flight type similar to falcon and such in heroes expansion it would work like an elytra letting you glide (with a condition attached for making related models) and holding w would give motion ect.

If its an attribute the higher it is the faster the speed?

Nexominer commented 3 weeks ago

Possibly allowing name change to have a property field, allowing for dynamic name changing